Wine og installation med setup.exe (Opgivet)

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Tilmeldt: 28. aug 2008, 17:58

Re: Wine og installation med setup.exe

Indlægaf soren » 14. nov 2009, 23:24

Hej igen, lath,

Jeg har fulgt dine anvisninger men er alligevel røger af sporet. Ved installationen af Keyboard Pro fik jeg mange fejlmeddelelser i Terminal:
soren@PC-A:/media/cdrom0$ playonlinux ./setup.exe
PlayOnLinux v3.6

Checking python : [ Ok ]
Running install menu
wine: created the configuration directory '/home/soren/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Keyboard Pro'
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on MPU-401 UART, disabling mixer
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub!
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x7e35c9b8, overlapped 0x7e35c99c): stub
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
wine: configuration in '/home/soren/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Keyboard Pro' has been updated.
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory
fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on MPU-401 UART, disabling mixer
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"soren" (nil) 0x33f864 (nil) 0x33f868 0x33f85c - stub
fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"soren" 0x135a28 0x33f864 0x132bc0 0x33f868 0x33f85c - stub
err:richedit:ReadStyleSheet ReadStyleSheet: skipping optional destination
fixme:msi:ACTION_HandleStandardAction unhandled standard action L"SetODBCFolders"
fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub UnregisterExtensionInfo -> 2 ignored L"Extension" table values
fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub UnregisterProgIdInfo -> 2 ignored L"ProgId" table values
fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub RemoveShortcuts -> 1 ignored L"Shortcut" table values
fixme:msi:ITERATE_CreateShortcuts poorly handled shortcut format, advertised shortcut
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
err:msi:register_progid L"Keyboard Pro User Profile" has no class
fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
Installationen forløb tilsyneladende problemfrit bedømt på den grafiske brugerflade.

Jeg har ikke noget program under Applications > Games > PlayOnLinux > Run. Derfor har jeg forsøgt at starte via Applications > Wine > Programs > Keyboard Pro > Keyboard Pro, men det virke ikke. Det kan godt tænkes, at denne måde at starte på er rester fra de tidligere forsøg.
Med venlig hilsen Soren

Indlæg: 5095
Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
IRC nickname: lars_t_h
Geografisk sted: Fyn

Re: Wine og installation med setup.exe

Indlægaf lath » 15. nov 2009, 00:43

mmap kan vist-nok kun bruges af superbrugeren, så brug 'sudo ' foran kommandoen.

Det kan være at der gamle win programmer hænger fast i menuen, hvis der ikke bliver ryddet ordentligt op før Wine geninstalleres.

Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags

Indlæg: 240
Tilmeldt: 28. aug 2008, 17:58

Re: Wine og installation med setup.exe

Indlægaf soren » 15. nov 2009, 22:33

Hej igen,

Det gik slet ikke

Kode: Vælg alt

soren@PC-A:/media/cdrom0$ sudo playonlinux ./setup.exe
[sudo] password for soren:
PlayOnLinux v3.6

Checking python :             [ Ok ]
Running install menu
wine: /home/soren/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Keyboard Pro is not owned by you
wine: /home/soren/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Keyboard Pro is not owned by you
wine: /home/soren/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Keyboard Pro is not owned by you

Jeg har besluttet at opgive projektet, men tak for jeres forsøg.
Med venlig hilsen Soren

Indlæg: 10724
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Re: Wine og installation med setup.exe (Opgivet)

Indlægaf Christian.Arvai » 16. nov 2009, 00:19

Det var da ærgeligt at du ikke fik løst dit problem, men jeg vil foreslå dig at oprette en ny tråd, hvor du spørger efter et program til Ubuntu der kan det samme.
Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing

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