Kom til Ubuntu Community Week 18-22 juli

Nyheder om Open Source, Ubuntu, andre distributioner og meget mere.
Indlæg: 5515
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 20:52
IRC nickname: laoshi
Geografisk sted: Vejle

Kom til Ubuntu Community Week 18-22 juli

Indlæg af laoshi »

Så er der annonceret et spændende internationalt arrangement. Læs mere i artiklen
"Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am Abend und am Morgen
Und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag"

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)

Indlæg: 5515
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 20:52
IRC nickname: laoshi
Geografisk sted: Vejle

Re: Kom til Ubuntu Community Week 18-22 juli

Indlæg af laoshi »

Og der indkaldes stadig ideer til præsentationer. Følgende er lige tikket ind på loco-contacts-listen:
Randall Ross skrev:"Ubuntu Community Week" is coming on July 18th (thru July 22nd 2011).
The event outline is available on the wiki
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCommunityWeek, and the full schedule of
topics and presenters will soon be announced.

We have begun assembling a stellar team of presenters, but you probably
know one or two more people, maybe even yourself, who have something
interesting to say about making Ubuntu communities stronger, bigger, and
more fun.

Here's your chance. Show the world how your community rocks! Show the
world how to make Ubuntu come alive when people get together to work on
(and to celebrate) the world's most collaborative project.

A brief outline (3 or 4 sentences) of your idea for a presentation is
all that it takes to get started. Please send a note to
<randall(snabela)executiv.es>. That's me!

"Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am Abend und am Morgen
Und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag"

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)
