sjove/tragiske/komiske spam-mails osv

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Indlæg: 3461
Tilmeldt: 27. sep 2008, 23:51
IRC nickname: sound
Geografisk sted: København

sjove/tragiske/komiske spam-mails osv

Indlæg af soundpartner »

jep. hvis du har modtaget nogle af de der sjove spammails kan du jo dele dem med os andre her.

selv fik jeg lige denne:
og da jeg rent faktisk venter en pakke fra hongkong som netop er sendt med fedex så åbnede jeg mailen
Dear Customer,

Good day to you. We have been waiting for you to contact us for
Your Package that is registered with us for shipment by the
Lottery commission to your residence. Be informed that we are
in possession of a Parcel containing a cheque of $8,000,000.00

It is the usual practice of this comission to conduct a proper
verification of all Packages that we are to deliver, to ensure
that they are valid. Be rest assured that the contents in your
package has been confirmed valid and we will commence delivery
once you have met the necessary requirements.For your information, the
Shipping fees have been
paid by your collegue Board when your package was registered
what you need to pay is the Security Keeping fee of 350usd as
stated in our privacy terms & condition page. kindly supply the below
Full Name:.......................
Postal address:..................
Direct telephone number:.........

Await your Swift Response.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs Merry Gary


contact number +234 703 684 4893

FedEx Online Team Management 1995 - 2009 FedEx Courier Nigeria
E-MAIL IS CONFIDENTIAL. If you have received this e-mail in
error, please notify us by return e-mail and delete the document.

da den kom fra en adresse var jeg ikke lige vågen nok, men helt ærlig tror de jeg er så dum at jeg tror på at de ved præcis havd der er i pakken (en chek på 8.000.000 dollars) og at jeg er dum nok til at betale 350 dollars i sikkerhedsgebyr for at få denne?
HVIS der var en pakke med 8.000.000 så var det sikkerhedsgebyr sgu nok betalt på forhånd mon ikke?
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Indlæg: 10724
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Re: sjove/tragiske/komiske spam-mails osv

Indlæg af Christian.Arvai »

Den tråd kan jeg være med på :lol:

Hello Dear Beloved Friend,

Good day to you in the name of God May He continue
to strengthen you more and more in Jesus name (Amen). I am contacting you about
a need I have and I believe you are well able to help me. It all depends on our
trusting each other but I've chosen to contact you prayerfully and believe you
are the person to help me.

I am Mrs Vivian Kwasi, 31yrs old woman from Ghana.
I became a widow18months ago. The source of my husband's death was believed to
be from our detractors who are never happy he was making so much progress.

The issue is that my husband sold a piece of land he inherited from
his late father.
He made so much fortune from the sales because mineral deposit(gold)was found
to be on the land.

He deposited the money(about $24.2M USD) in Accra Ghana. He
was later afflicted with an unexplainable disease which kept him incapacitated
for two years. Money could not help him out as he died 18 months ago with the

After his death, his family was on me to tell them where the money
was lodged as they have taken over all of his belongings. They have also
emptied his bank accounts with other banks and discovered the money was not
lodged there.

My husband warned me not to disclose the money to his family
before he died in the hospital. The family has left me and my son with nothing.
I now fend for myself and Junior my son.

My plans are to relocate from Ghana,
but I will need to move out the money left by my husband. Any attempt for me to
try and move it in my name will cause me more problems than I can imagine as an
African woman.Once I move the money out, I'll come to your country where I will
invest the money under your guide.

The main reason of contacting you is to
solicit your help in coming forward as my husband's foreign business partner.I
will get all necessary documents to help us move the fund to you, which will
enable me to come over and get the money shared between us 60% for me 30% for
you for helping out.

please note that the earlier you help me the better as
you will be doing God a great favor because my life is no more save with these
people here.

I will need your reply stating your readiness to help in seeing
this deal through. Please give me your phone number so that I can call you to
discuss this further.

I wait for your favorable reply
You can contact me with:


Regard Mrs Vivian kwasi.
Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing
Indlæg: 5515
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 20:52
IRC nickname: laoshi
Geografisk sted: Vejle

Re: sjove/tragiske/komiske spam-mails osv

Indlæg af laoshi »

Dear Colleague,

Thanks on a very happy note and it is incredible your efforts , time
and energy towards the project. Your tonic was why the large cash left
finally after so many trails. I write to inform you that at last, the
fund transfer had been a SUCCESS.

The Fund was later paid out and I have collected my own
share.Presently, I am in South Korea where, in partnership with a core
investor in the Mining Sector of their economy, we are investing in
the industry. But, I am not oblivious of the fact that you did your
best in that context, although, it seem that element of doubt crept in.

I pressurized the influential woman to concede some amount as
COMPENSATION to you, for the resources that you implunged even the
time and inconveniences.

The sum of US$1.800,000.00 was what she agreed to as your compensation
value, and the sum was made in draft but,because of my appointment in
South Korea and too, I could not get through to you since your number
at any time indicated "not in use", I then handed it over to my
secretary.His name is attorney chris coolman and his email:

The Secretary is very much informed by me about you and I instructed
him to hand over the Draft to you as soon as you contact him.
I gave him the CODE 555, which you have to mention for identification

Se her er der da nogen som påskønner ens indsats!
Eitreach - det er vel ikke dig der lige har været i Sydkorea og ikke kunne komme igennem på mobilen?
Behøver jeg at skrive til den mail-adresse? Du kan jo bare fange mig på irc eller sende en pb via forum.
"Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am Abend und am Morgen
Und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag"

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)
Indlæg: 10724
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Re: sjove/tragiske/komiske spam-mails osv

Indlæg af Christian.Arvai »

Sikket et fint forum vi kan lave for alle de penge, som vi skraber ind nu :lol:
Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing