Ugens Microsoft-LMAO

Her postes alt, som ikke direkte har noget med Ubuntu at gøre.
Indlæg: 102
Tilmeldt: 6. dec 2008, 02:51
IRC nickname: neglesaks
Geografisk sted: Helsingskør Kommune & Omegn

Ugens Microsoft-LMAO

Indlæg af neglesaks » ... 40497.html

Microsoft har måttet undskylde en billedmanipulation på selskabets polske hjemmeside, hvor en sort mand på forunderlig vis er forvandlet til en hvid.
To force a man to pay for the violation of his own liberty is indeed an addition of insult to injury.
- Benjamin Tucker

Friends don't let friends do Windows.
Indlæg: 102
Tilmeldt: 6. dec 2008, 02:51
IRC nickname: neglesaks
Geografisk sted: Helsingskør Kommune & Omegn

Re: Ugens Microsoft-LMAO

Indlæg af neglesaks » ... _macs.html

Microsoft laver kurser for BestBuy ansatte i USA, hvor de pumpes med marketinggejl, mod at få 10 $ og en gratis Windows 7. Og hvad lærer de så på disse kurser?

BestBuy and other retail employees can earn a $10 copy of Windows 7 for completing the training. The training course attacking Linux has been covered by other sources, including, where one reader commented, "I think I now know why, when I enter BestBuy, the employees say the odd lies that they do."

Microsoft is also publishing a series attacking Macs, and AppleInsider has obtained the first screenshots publicly published of this training series for retail employees. The first page of the course, outlining its "objectives," says customers get "a lot more computer with a Windows-based PC than a Mac," that PCs run more software programs and "come in a wide variety of colors and configurations," and claims that "customers have less to learn to get started with a Windows 7-based PC."


Using BestBuy's GeekSquad service team, that $300 in customer savings will pay for two virus and spyware removal sessions. If the user wants help to install new software, BestBuy charges $50 per title extra. They'll configure a print server or "iTouch" to work on your home network for just $80 per device, and check the security of your network for another $80. They's walk you through how to use your iPod for $50, and provide a troubleshooting session for it for another $50. Email setup costs $50, and a troubleshooting session costs $70. The customer can also add a thirty minute "Windows basic training" and an half hour "Office troubleshooting session" for $50 each.

Microsoft's training does not note that the Apple Store provides these services for free (although Mac "virus and spyware removals" are not in big demand), it just suggests that BestBuy employees sell users on a cheaper PC that will stoke demand for overpriced support fees and service programs. Save customers "up to $300" on hardware, then talk them into spending more than that on PC maintenance.

Friends don't let friends do Windows.

Just say NO!
To force a man to pay for the violation of his own liberty is indeed an addition of insult to injury.
- Benjamin Tucker

Friends don't let friends do Windows.
Indlæg: 102
Tilmeldt: 6. dec 2008, 02:51
IRC nickname: neglesaks
Geografisk sted: Helsingskør Kommune & Omegn

Re: Ugens Microsoft-LMAO

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Hvis man værdstter sin sikkerhed er det naturligvis vgtigt ikke at bruge WIndows. Dette har været velkendt i 10 år, men vi er efterhånden nået et punkt at der hvor der køres Windows i kritiske opgaver og miljøer, må der stilles spørgsmålstegn ved den ansvarlige administartors IT-kundskaber.

Seneste nyt fra virusfronten: ... 42354.html

Hvis man kigger på de Zeus-inficerede maskiner - firmaet har søgt efter trojanerens signatur på 10.000 udvalgte maskiner - så er 55 procent af dem udstyret med antivirus-software. Men det har altså ikke forhindret inficeringen. 31 pct. har ingen antivirus, og 14 pct. har et forældet antivirus-program.

Rapporten konkluderer, at den lave detektionsrate for en af de værste trojanere giver grund til bekymring. Myten om, at antivirus giver fuldstændig beskyttelse mod malware, skulle således være aflivet.

Og hvilken platform har mest brug for anti-virus programmer?


Hvilke platform har reelt ingen brug for anti-virus programmer?

Mac OS X, Linux, xBSD.

Friends don't let friends do Windows.
To force a man to pay for the violation of his own liberty is indeed an addition of insult to injury.
- Benjamin Tucker

Friends don't let friends do Windows.
Indlæg: 393
Tilmeldt: 20. apr 2008, 13:07
Geografisk sted: Århus

Re: Ugens Microsoft-LMAO

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Det er essentielt at systemimplementere en real-time ekspansionsgate i floppycontrollerchippen, så executiven ikke dead-locker BIOS'en når den looper i det handshakede interface-mode under initial diskboot!
Artificial Intelligence
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Tilmeldt: 18. nov 2006, 10:21
Geografisk sted: Køge

Re: Ugens Microsoft-LMAO

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I bedste 50'er propaganda stil :D