jackd vil ikke starte

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Indlæg: 16
Tilmeldt: 6. nov 2008, 15:21

jackd vil ikke starte

Indlæg af Nyrup »

Jeg har efter at jeg har skiftet til Ubuntu 9.04 ikke kunnet starte Jack.
Ubuntu 9.04 er installeret fra grunden, ingen upgrade. Samme problem på
2 maskiner (Asus Eee 900 og Toshiba Satellite L10). Begge har tidligere fungeret
rimeligt med Jack Sound under Ubuntu 8.10 med de interne lydkort.
Nu får jeg følgende meddelelse fra JACK Audio Connection Kit - Qt GUI Interface:
09:42:52.141 Patchbay deactivated.
09:42:52.408 Statistics reset.
09:42:52.443 ALSA connection graph change.
09:42:53.273 ALSA connection change.
09:43:06.787 Startup script...
09:43:06.788 artsshell -q terminate
sh: artsshell: not found
09:43:07.190 Startup script terminated with exit status=32512.
09:43:07.191 JACK is starting...
09:43:07.192 /usr/bin/jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
09:43:07.213 JACK was started with PID=4058.
no message buffer overruns
jackd 0.116.1
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
cannot use real-time scheduling (FIFO at priority 10) [for thread -1212090688, from thread -1212090688] (1: Operation not permitted)
cannot create engine
09:43:07.226 JACK was stopped successfully.
09:43:07.227 Post-shutdown script...
09:43:07.228 killall jackd
jackd: no process killed
09:43:07.637 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256.
09:43:09.306 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info.

Håber der er en der kan hjælpe, så jeg igen kan få gang i musiksoftwaren.
Indlæg: 16
Tilmeldt: 6. nov 2008, 15:21

Re: jackd vil ikke starte

Indlæg af Nyrup »

Jeg har fået hjælp på http://ubuntuforums.org
Se denne tråd
og problemet er løst.
