Installér ubuntu fra USB stick

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Indlæg: 38
Tilmeldt: 3. aug 2008, 07:26
IRC nickname: metheon

Installér ubuntu fra USB stick

Indlæg af metheon »

Jeg faldt lige over den her artikel.

Det virker umiddelbart til det er rigtig svært at finde denne information på nettet så jeg tænkte at en reference på det danske ubuntu forum nok ikke kunne skade.

Jeg gengiver den lige igen her i tilfælde af den originale artikel bliver taget ned.

HOWTO: Ubuntu Install From USB - Works For Other Linux Too!
Author: SmellyGeekBoy | Date: May 17, 2008

My original Install Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron From USB article is easily the most popular on the site, probably entirely due to a lack of good, clear, instructions elsewhere on the internet, and also probably because of the rise of small laptops like the Asus Eee, which don’t come with any kind of CD/DVD drive. Even if you do have an optical drive, why bother burning a CD every time? It’s so wasteful.

I needed to install Ubuntu again after my failed adventures with another distro, so I took the opportunity to work out an even easier way to do this. Essentially, the configuration files shouldn’t need to be edited at all as Syslinux now supports directories and the FAT32 file system - but they’re just boring technical details. All you need ot know is that there are fewer steps, and the process is easier to follow.

Oh, one more thing… I forgot to mention last time that this method also works with Edubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu, as well as most other Ubuntu-based distros and even some other distributions too. It won’t hurt to give it a try, and I’m happy to help anyone out who wants to give it a go. I tried these with the Slackware-based Zenwalk, for example, and it went without a hitch.

Like last time, these instructions assume that you’re using a Windows machine to prepare the USB flash drive. So let’s begin!


Preparing the files and USB flash drive

* First up, we need to format the USB stick in Windows - go into My Computer, right-click on the USB drive, and then click Format. When prompted, select FAT32 as the file system. Don’t use NTFS - it won’t work!
* Download 7-zip. It’s free and extremely useful, for this and anything else you might need to do with compressed files. It’s also open source, just like Linux, so that has to be a good thing. Get the latest stable version to be on the safe side - not the beta.
* Download Syslinux, which is the bootloader we will be using to make the stick bootable. Just get the latest version in zip format, and extract it to the Desktop - right-click, select 7-zip, then extract to syslinux-6.3.3 (or whatever) and then rename that folder to “syslinux”.
* Open a command prompt (on the Start Menu under Accessories, or run “cmd”) and cd to the syslinux folder:
* cd Desktop/syslinux/win32
* Run this command to install the syslinux bootlader to the thumbdrive:
* syslinux -ma f: (where f: is the letter of your USB thumbstick)
* Now we need to extract the Ubuntu ISO - Right click on the ISO file, and select 7-zip/extract to ubuntu-8.04…

The preparation is done! You should now have syslinux installed on your USB thumb drive, and a folder called Ubuntu-8.04-somethingorother on your Windows desktop. Now it’s time ot create our bootable Ubuntu LiveUSB Stick!


Putting it all together

* Drag all of the files you just extracted from the ISO into the empty USB drive.
* Move everything from the isolinux folder into the root of the drive. So, if your USB thumbdrive’s letter is F, as in our earlier example, move all the files from F:\isolinux\ into F:\
* Rename the isolinux.cfg file to syslinux.cfg
* Eject the drive, insert into the computer you wish to install Ubuntu onto, and boot! Shazam!


You may need to configure your BIOS to boot from USB, or at least go in there and change the boot order to try external drives first. It’s quite a simple process, but varies depending on your motherboard manufacturer, and so I can’t really go into it here.

Most modern computers will let you press F12 during the very first boot screen to select a temporary boot device - you should only need this once so that could be sufficient.
Mr. Morkel
Indlæg: 2
Tilmeldt: 15. sep 2008, 04:54

Re: Installér ubuntu fra USB stick

Indlæg af Mr. Morkel »

Hej alle

Som I nok kan tyde er ubuntu helt fremmedt for mig - derfor ønsker jeg at prøve det.

Jeg har brugt windows i mange år - men kun som værktøj i gymnasiet og til normal webbrowsing. Derfor bliver jeg nødt til lige at få skåret ud i pap hvad jeg egentlig skal skrive i kommando promten. Jeg tænker på de stykker i citatet markeret med fed.

metheon skrev:Jeg faldt lige over den her
* Open a command prompt and cd to the syslinux folder:
* cd Desktop/syslinux/win32
* Run this command to install the syslinux bootlader to the thumbdrive:
* syslinux -ma f: (where f: is the letter of your USB thumbstick)

Hvad betyder fx betegnelsen "to cd" i ovenstående? Altså jeg er nået så langt at jeg har formateret min usb-stick og sat den til fat32. Så har jeg downloadet og extraheret syslinux til skrivebordet og ændret folderens navn til "syslinux". Det er sådan set kun lige kommandoerne jeg skal have helt på plads.

Håber I kan hjælpe. :D
Indlæg: 867
Tilmeldt: 19. maj 2008, 11:07

Re: Installér ubuntu fra USB stick

Indlæg af PKO »


Fra kommandoprompten

Det er kataloget som du har downloadet til:

Kode: Vælg alt

cd Desktop/syslinux/win32

Opstart af installationen hvor du erstatter F: med drevnavn for den USB-pen

Kode: Vælg alt

 syslinux -ma f: (where f: is the letter of your USB thumbst
Mvh Kraków

Guides Ubuntu
Programmer -> Tilbehør -> Terminal
Mr. Morkel
Indlæg: 2
Tilmeldt: 15. sep 2008, 04:54

Re: Installér ubuntu fra USB stick

Indlæg af Mr. Morkel »

Mange tak for hjælpen!

Jeg fandt dog ud af det i nat efter at have rodet lidt med det, og læst nogle dokumenter jeg fandt herinde også. Jeg kan godt fornemme at jeg har meget at lære, men jeg tænkte at nu måtte jeg altså i gang med noget andet end windows :wink:
Indlæg: 71
Tilmeldt: 25. okt 2008, 23:33
Geografisk sted: Brejning

Re: Installér ubuntu fra USB stick

Indlæg af Jmose »

Jeg beklager at "gen-åbne" denne ældre tråd. Men ville bare lige sige at denne guide også virkede på denne USB stick (4GB modellen) ... ash-Drive/

I mangel af en brænder der gad virke under Win XP (gæt hvorfor jeg skifter... :roll: ) forsøgte jeg dette med Ubuntu 8.10

Hvis der mangles yderligere info, hjælper jeg gerne det jeg kan..