IBM: 'OOXML er nedenforstående'

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Tilmeldt: 24. jul 2007, 19:32
IRC nickname: eitreach
Geografisk sted: København

IBM: 'OOXML er nedenforstående'

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Microsoft har det ikke nemt lige for tiden. Stakkels gutter.

"They have made this a religious and highly political debate," said Nico Tsilas, Microsoft's senior director of interoperability and IP policy. "IBM have asked governments to have an open-source, exclusive purchasing policy. Our competitors have targeted this one product—mandating one document format over others to harm Microsoft's profit stream."

Boo-hoo. ... erior.html
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Artificial Intelligence
Indlæg: 2098
Tilmeldt: 18. nov 2006, 10:21
Geografisk sted: Køge

IBM: 'OOXML er nedenforstående'

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In your face M$.
Det er på tide at Microsoft spiller efter reglerne istedet for den bully/uetisk policy metode de har haft igennem årene. Nu må de ret sig til de nye tider.