CVE-2014-4877 wget: FTP symlink arbitrary filesystem access

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CVE-2014-4877 wget: FTP symlink arbitrary filesystem access

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CVE-2014-4877 wget: FTP symlink arbitrary filesystem access
From: Petr Matousek <pmatouse () redhat com>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 12:12:12 +0100

It was found that wget was susceptible to a symlink attack which could
create arbitrary files, directories or symbolic links and set their
permissions when retrieving a directory recursively through FTP.

Upstream fix:


Petr Matousek / Red Hat Product Security
PGP: 0xC44977CA 8107 AF16 A416 F9AF 18F3 D874 3E78 6F42 C449 77CA

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