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Indlæg: 14
Tilmeldt: 18. okt 2011, 13:54


Indlæg af gauner »

fandt denne under spotify siden... er ikke den store haj til linux og ubuntu endnu... er der nogen som på rimelig måde kan fortælle hvordan jeg gør de forskellige ting i guiden :)

Spotify for Linux
This is a preview build of Spotify for Linux. As a preview release this version is still unsupported, but we're running it ourselves and will try to make sure it keeps pace with its Mac and Windows siblings, there are issues regarding decoding of local music on the Linux platform so we haven't included support for local files in this version. As we haven't found a reliable way to display ads yet, this version is only available to Spotify Premium and Unlimited subscribers.

So how do you get it? We've packaged it for Debian Squeeze/Ubuntu 10.04 package and for Fedora 13, i386 and x86_64.

# 1. Add this line to your list of repositories by
# editing your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb stable non-free

# 2. If you want to verify the downloaded packages,
# you will need to add our public key
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 4E9CFF4E

# 3. Run apt-get update
sudo apt-get update

# 4. Install spotify!
sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt
med venlig hilsen
Indlæg: 3105
Tilmeldt: 16. jun 2007, 10:26
Geografisk sted: Ikast-Herning

Re: Spotify

Indlæg af Stra »

gauner skrev:As we haven't found a reliable way to display ads yet, this version is only available to Spotify Premium and Unlimited subscribers.
Er du det?

Men ellers gør du flg:

åben softwarekilder og tilføj under anden software/tilføj

deb stable non-free

derefter i terminal og kør disse komandoer

Kode: Vælg alt

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 4E9CFF4E

Kode: Vælg alt

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt
Bruger Ubuntu 22.04 og 22.10 + lubuntu 22.10