This update, codenamed “Moviestar,” includes new features, enhancements and bug fixes for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux versions of Flash Player 9, including:
* Support for H.264 video and HE-AAC audio codecs.
* Multi-core support for vector rendering.
* Full screen mode with hardware scaling.
* Flash Player cache for common platform components, such as the Flex framework.
Ny Flash 9 er udgivet
- Indlæg: 2098
- Tilmeldt: 18. nov 2006, 10:21
- Geografisk sted: Køge
- Indlæg: 2098
- Tilmeldt: 18. nov 2006, 10:21
- Geografisk sted: Køge
Ny Flash 9 er udgivet
Afinstallere din gamle flash først:
Download flash til din Desktop;
Adobe Flash® Player 9 Update
<close all your browsers>
installation path: /usr/lib/firefox
Afinstallere din gamle flash først:
Kode: Vælg alt
sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade
sudo aptitude --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree
cd ~/.mozilla/plugins/
rm -rf flashplayer.xpt
cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins
sudo rm -rf flashplayer.xpt
cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins
sudo rm -rf flashplayer.xpt
Download flash til din Desktop;
Adobe Flash® Player 9 Update
Kode: Vælg alt
cd ~/Desktop
tar zxfv flashplayer9_install_linux_100107.tar.gz
cd install_flash_player_9_linux
sudo sh flashplayer-installer
<close all your browsers>
installation path: /usr/lib/firefox
- Indlæg: 87
- Tilmeldt: 3. dec 2006, 11:46
- Geografisk sted: Dragør, Vestamager, København
Ny Flash 9 er udgivet
Tak for oplysningen, og ikke mindst guiden.