Jeg har lige installeret Phoronix test suite og fundet ud af det køre via. terminalen, men jeg har prøvet og prøvet og kan ikke finde ud af hvordan man skriver de forskellige kommandoer for at få programmet til at reagere som man gerne vil have.
Efter hvad jeg lige kan se, burde der også være en GUI, men det ser ikke ud til at virke heller?
Kode: Vælg alt
spot@spot-desktop:~$ phoronix-test-suite
Phoronix Test Suite
** For all available options, view the included HTML documentation. **
Installation Options:
install <suite / test>: Install or update the specified suite/test(s)
install-dependencies <suite / test>: Install the distribution dependencies
install-all: Install or update all available tests
list-installed-tests: List all tests that are installed
Testing Options:
benchmark <suite / test>: Install and then run the test(s)
run <suite / test>: Run the specified test(s)
list-tests: List all tests and relevant information
list-suites: List all suites and relevant information
GUI Options:
gui: Launch the Phoronix Test Suite GTK2 GUI
Batch Testing Options:
batch-setup: Setup the batch mode options
batch-run <suite / test>: Run the specified test(s) in batch mode
batch-benchmark <suite / test>: Install and run the test(s) in batch mode
Result Viewing Options:
list-results: List all saved results
show-result <saved name>: Show this result file in your web browser
remove-result <saved name>: Remove this saved result file
remove-all-results: Removes all saved results
merge-results <saved name> <saved name>: Merge multiple sets of results
reference-comparison <saved name>: Compare test results to available reference systems
Phoronix Global Options:
upload-results <saved name>: Upload saved results to Phoronix Global
login: Enter your Phoronix Global log-in information for uploading results
Analytical Options:
analyze-batch <saved name>: Analysis of a batch run
analyze-all-runs <saved name>: A candlestick graph from all trial runs
Module Options:
list-modules: List all installed/available PTS modules
module-info: Show detailed information on a PTS module
module-setup: Configure the end-user options for a PTS module
Miscellaneous Options:
make-download-cache: Backup all downloaded test files
info <suite / test / results>: Show detailed information about a test object
system-info: Show detected software and hardware information
diagnostics: Useful information when reporting a bug or problem
build-suite: Build your own test suite
version: Print the Phoronix Test Suite version and code-name
Skriver så "gui", men der sker ikke noget, heller ikke hvis jeg skriver phoronix-test-suite gui.
Kode: Vælg alt
spot@spot-desktop:~$ phoronix-test-suite gui
PHP Fatal error: Class 'GtkWindow' not found in /usr/share/phoronix-test-suite/pts-core/objects/gtk/pts_gtk_window.php on line 24
Måske bare mig som ikke ved hvordan man bruger det.
På forhånd tak.