I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

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Tilmeldt: 3. jan 2007, 14:23
Geografisk sted: Esbjerg

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af thordurs »

Jeg har flyttet dette emne til "installation" Mvh Spook. // I have moved this topic to "Installation". Kind Regards - Spook

Hello, sorry for not writing in danish, I live in Denmark but I'm not fluent with the language, so English is much easier for me to write with.

I have been using Ubuntu on my desktop computer and I have really had good experience with it and I must now buy a laptop that I can use at my school and I want it to be linux compatible, and support Wireless Network Cards and such, I don't have any experience with linux on laptops but I've been told before that many laptops are not compatible for linux so I want to be sure that I buy a laptop here and I can run Ubuntu on it. I hope someone here can give me good tips, it's not so easy for me to search due to my lack of danish language knowledge and I don't know any linux communities here where I am based. But I would love to join some if someone can tell me of them.
I already know of edbpriser.dk and I have tried to search for laptops without operation systems installed or linux installed, and it doesn't give me many results, seems like most laptops I find there are specially just for Windows(which can possibly give me troubles), so if someone can give me advice where to buy a linux compatible laptop, I would be glad.

Indlæg: 365
Tilmeldt: 20. nov 2006, 13:54
Geografisk sted: Gram//Skanderborg//Århus

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af spook »

It really shoudnt be a problem. What is your price range?

Most laptops can run Ubuntu/Linux, the hardware support is getting quite good. I run Ubuntu 6.10 edgy on this little beauty: http://www.edbpriser.dk/Products/Listpr ... ?ID=220384

A rather compact (12,1" widescreen, 1,8 kg) laptop.
Indlæg: 2
Tilmeldt: 3. jan 2007, 14:23
Geografisk sted: Esbjerg

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af thordurs »

Thank you for quick reply.

I would like to pay maximum 7000 kr. (little bit over that is ok) for it.
The one you showed me looks interesting but I would prefer bigger display(around 14" would do the trick).
Indlæg: 91
Tilmeldt: 1. jan 2007, 19:32
Geografisk sted: Århus Nord

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af fr3ak »

Try this one http://www.edbpriser.dk/Products/Listprices.asp?ID=240978

It has a 14.1 screen :wink:

Spook suggested it, in another topic on this board: https://ubuntudanmark.dk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=107 (in danish)
Indlæg: 365
Tilmeldt: 20. nov 2006, 13:54
Geografisk sted: Gram//Skanderborg//Århus

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af spook »

Here's something to look at:


41 laptops, with 1 Gb of ram, and a 14" screen minimum to choose from.

Avoid the ones with Celeron processors - Centrino or Core Duo are more powerful.

Steer clear of the ones with ATi graphics as well, ATi's Linux drivers are well, crap. It can work, but its to much hassle imho.
Indlæg: 91
Tilmeldt: 1. jan 2007, 19:32
Geografisk sted: Århus Nord

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af fr3ak »

spook skrev:.....Steer clear of the ones with ATi graphics as well, ATi's Linux drivers are well, crap. It can work, but its to much hassle imho.

ONLY if you like your installation the KISS (Keep it simple stupid) way. It can be done with a monitor attached to the laptop. And if you need 3D support, ATI and Nvidia works great :wink:

But the choice is up to the individual :D
Indlæg: 2667
Tilmeldt: 21. nov 2006, 10:06
Geografisk sted: Fredericia

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af thj01 »

Buy an IBM/LENEVO laptop computer

try http://www.laptops.dk

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af Svante »

fr3ak skrev:Try this one http://www.edbpriser.dk/Products/Listprices.asp?ID=240978

It has a 14.1 screen :wink:

I have tried this one (Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro V3405). I wasn't impressed by the screen. It didn't appear to be very clear.
Indlæg: 18
Tilmeldt: 12. jan 2007, 17:38
Geografisk sted: Silkeborg

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af KristianDK »

Try to avoid Intel chipset, at least not the Intel 915 graphiccard - it only gives troubles - i got one those myself :P

I can recommend you widescreen when using ubuntu, it's indeed very nice ! :)
Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af gaffa »

I guess this is the list you are looking for:
Indlæg: 40
Tilmeldt: 20. nov 2006, 19:58
Geografisk sted: Taastrup, Danmark

I want to buy Ubuntu compatible laptop in Denmark

Indlæg af hardcorewizard »

I just got my Zepto Znote 6615WD yesterday, and it works out-of-the-box with Kubuntu 6.10. Both cores are recognized by the generic kernel, all function buttons work without setup, wlan works, and it tells me that the bluetooth device is detected (haven't tried that yet, though). I haven't tried the integrated web cam either.
Got Beryl to work without problems.

Really nice laptop! Pretty big monitor (15.1", widescreen), which runs a decent resolution (1650x1050). Also, the keyboard is white, which is a plus in my book, the fn-key is placed where it should be (not in the corner), and the f1-f12 keys are placed in a slightly waved pattern, so you can distinguish between them in the dark.

The only annoying thing I have stumbled across yet, is that you often accidentally tap the mouse pad when writing. This could probably be solved in a clever way, by assigning a function key as a "disable mouse" key.