Installering af AWL 100 (Wireless PCMCIA)

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Tilmeldt: 10. nov 2007, 10:48

Installering af AWL 100 (Wireless PCMCIA)

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Hele guiden har jeg skrevet her under, så i bedre kan få indblik i tingene.

Har hentet Pcmcia cs og Linux wlan, og pakket dem ud på skrivebordet.

Make config

Linux Kernel source directory [/usr/src/Linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic]
Svarer Nej

How would you llike to set kernel-specifc options
1 Read from currently running kernel
2 Read from the Linux source tree

Svarer 2.

Module install directory [Lib/modules/] :

Den sioger så :

Your lib does not support Wordexp().
Without wordexp(), cardmgr will not do command substitution or enviroment variable expansion when parsing 'source' commands in config files. To gain this feature, upgrade to a more recent version of glibc.

Configuration successful.

Your kernel is configured with PCMCIA driver support. Therefore,
'make all' will compile to PCMCIA utilities but not the drivers.

Nu går den så i fuck, når jeg srkiver Make All :s

# BenQ AWL100 PCMCIA Wireless LAN Card
# Linux driver installation guide (v1.0)

# Introduction

# This document describes how to install BenQ AWL100 wireless LAN card in Linux OS. Following this document can make you install BenQ AWL100 wireless LAN card.

# Prerequisites:
# 1. Must have "linux-wlan-ng-0.1.16.tar.gz", which can be downloaded from
# 2. Must have "pcmcia-cs-3.2.3.tar.gz", which can be downloaded from
# 3. Must have administrator authority.

# Building and installing the module of PCMCIA:
# 1. Uncompress "pcmcia-cs-3.2.3.tar.gz".
tar ¡Vxvzf pcmcia-cs-3.2.3.tar.gz
# 2. Type "make config" in pcmcia-cs-3.2.3 directory.
make config

# After "make config" is finished, the terminal will show following message then you need to config step-by-step.

# -------- Linux PCMCIA Configuration Script --------
# The default responses for each question are correct for most users.
# Consult the PCMCIA-HOWTO for additional info about each option.

Linux kernel source directory [/usr/src/linux]: /usr/src/linux-2.4 //the path of kernel source code
The kernel source tree is version 2.4.7-10custom.
The current kernel build date is Wed Nov 13 09:59:33 2002.
Build 'trusting' versions of card utilities (y/n) [n]:
Include 32-bit (CardBus) card support (y/n) [y]:
Include PnP BIOS resource checking (y/n) [n]:
Module install directory [/lib/modules/2.4.7-10custom]:

# 3. Build the module of pcmcia and install this module into Linux kernel.
make all
make install

# Now, you have finished installation of the module of pcmcia.


# Building and installing driver's module of wireless lan card:
# 1. Uncompress "linux-wlan-ng-0.1.16.tar.gz".
tar ¡Vxvzf linux-wlan-ng-0.1.16.tar.gz
# 2. Type "make config" in linux-wlan-ng-0.1.16 directory.
make config

# After type "make config", The terminal will show following message.
# And you need to config them step by step.

# -------------- Linux WLAN Configuration Script -------------

# The default responses are correct for most users.

Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver? (y/n) [y]:
Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver? (y/n) [n]:
Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver? (y/n) [n]:
Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver? (y/n) [n]:
Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux]: /usr/src/linux-2.4 //the path of kernel source code
The kernel source tree is version 2.4.7-10custom.
The current kernel build date is Wed Nov 13 09:59:33 2002.


Alternate target install root directory on host []:
PCMCIA script directory [/etc/pcmcia]:
Module install directory [/lib/modules/2.4.7-10custom]:
Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed) []:
Build for debugging (see doc/config.debug) (y/n) [n]:
Configuration successful.

# 3. Build driver's module of wireless lan card and install this module into Linux kernel.
make all
make install

# Now, you have finished installation of driver's module of wireless LAN card.
# And then reboot your system.

# Installnation of BENQ AWL100 wireless LAN card.
# Edit the "wlan-ng.conf" being in /etc/pcmcia/ and add the following code.

version "BENQ", "AWL100 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"
bind "prism2_cs"

# PS. You get vender's version from /var/log/messages, when insert wireless lan card.
# For example, you can type "cat /var/log/messages" and you will find following messages.

# Nov 2 13:59:41 localhost cardmgr[551]: product info: "BENQ", "AWL100 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"

# Configuration of BENQ AWL100 wireless card.
# Edit the "/etc/wlan/wlan.conf" to Config SSID
SSID_wlan0="BENQ" //Type SSID to be configed in your AP

# 2. Create a configuration file to setup WEB key, channel, ...and so on.

cp /etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT /etc/wlan/wlancfg-BENQ

# And then edit /etc/wlan/wlancfg-BENQ to config WEB key, channel, ...and so on

# Configuration of network.
# Edit the /etc/network.opts to setup DHCP or fixIP mode. And if you select fixed IP mode,you could setup IP addr. , gateway, ..and so on in this file.

# Now, you can insert BENQ AWL100 Wireless LAN card.