downloadhelper til mozilla (LØST)

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Finn Bjerke
Indlæg: 1962
Tilmeldt: 7. sep 2009, 23:33
IRC nickname: finnbjerke
Geografisk sted: Moss Norge

downloadhelper til mozilla (LØST)

Indlæg af Finn Bjerke »

De har ændret downloadhelper installation, jegfatter det ikke helt:

Kode: Vælg alt

Installing on Linux and Mac
For Linux and Mac, we do not have a specific FFMPEG distribution to connect to DownloadHelper. Instead, the conversion relies on the distribution that has been installed separately on the computer. Of course, this can lead to conversion failures as the version of FFMPEG may not have been compiled with the features required by the chosen conversion parameters. This might be the case, for instance, when converting to MP3 format, as the native FFMPEG may not have this feature for legal reasons.
On Linux Ubuntu, you may install FFMPEG with:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Or better, recompile FFMPEG with more features.
You can specify the exact location of the FFMPEG executable in the preferences.
Note that you can also use Mencoder as an alternative to FFMPEG. However, all the defined conversion parameters will simply be ignored.

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Senest rettet af Finn Bjerke 17. okt 2010, 11:33, rettet i alt 1 gang.
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Re: downloadhelper til mozilla

Indlæg af zob »

Den der scanner ting er bare en eller anden tåbelig reklame. Den skal du ikke bruge. Du skal bare bruge denne her:
Og som det nævnes i det tekststykke du gengiver skal du installere ffmpeg hvis ikke du har den i forvejen.

Kode: Vælg alt

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Som der også står.
Finn Bjerke
Indlæg: 1962
Tilmeldt: 7. sep 2009, 23:33
IRC nickname: finnbjerke
Geografisk sted: Moss Norge

Re: downloadhelper til mozilla

Indlæg af Finn Bjerke »

ups jeg så mig vist ikke helt for, fandt rigtige link tak for input
Kardemommeloven er en god ting.