[LØST] En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

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Indlæg: 3461
Tilmeldt: 27. sep 2008, 23:51
IRC nickname: sound
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af soundpartner »

zob skrev:Og saadan ser det ud fra en liveCD 32bit. Den crasher og ser ikke installeret ud - men er det.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ lsb_release -a && uname -a && apt-cache policy openoffice.org
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Release: 10.04
Codename: lucid
Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
Installed: (none)
Candidate: (none)
Version table:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ooffice -writer
javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!
Please ensure that a JVM and the package openoffice.org-java-common
is installed.
If it is already installed then try removing ~/.openoffice.org/3/user/config/javasettings_Linux_*.xml
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ terminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::loader::CannotActivateFactoryException'

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ whereis openoffice.org
openoffice: /usr/bin/openoffice.org /etc/openoffice /usr/lib/openoffice /usr/share/openoffice /usr/share/man/man1/openoffice.1.gz

ohhh ja jeg fik ikke postet, men hverken 32 eller 64 bit livecd virker. de laver samme fejl og den ser ikke installeret ud...
er lige ved at prøve et eventuelt fix, men nu er nethastigheden ikke den bedste her i toget...
skriver når jeg se om det virker
Selvudnævnt guru når det drejer sig om mobilt bredbånd

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Indlæg: 3461
Tilmeldt: 27. sep 2008, 23:51
IRC nickname: sound
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af soundpartner »

virkede ikke, men måske gav det mig en ide... hos jer hvor det virker kunne det være interessant at se output af:

Kode: Vælg alt

aptitude search openoffice.org
for at se om der var en eller anden openoffice pakke som i har inde som vi andre ikke har.
Selvudnævnt guru når det drejer sig om mobilt bredbånd

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Hvor du finder scripts til en hver situation

Indlæg: 4430
Tilmeldt: 6. jan 2009, 22:01
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af zob »

i A openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev
i A openoffice.org-filter-binfilter
i openoffice.org-base
i openoffice.org

Jeg gennemgik lige for forskellene og interessant nok...
De opremsede pakker er pakker der er installeret på min mint men ikke på ubuntu.

Iøjnefaldende er vel især at openoffice.org er installeret på min mint (som ikke crasher) men ikke på ubuntu som crasher. Det er måske også interessant at de andre ting der gør forskellen er database relateret. Men mon ikke man kunne løse det ved at installere openoffice.org. Jeg vil ikke lige prøve lige nu, jeg vil gerne beholde bug'en lidt endnu.
Indlæg: 3461
Tilmeldt: 27. sep 2008, 23:51
IRC nickname: sound
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af soundpartner »

zob skrev:
i A openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev
i A openoffice.org-filter-binfilter
i openoffice.org-base
i openoffice.org

Jeg gennemgik lige for forskellene og interessant nok...
De opremsede pakker er pakker der er installeret på min mint men ikke på ubuntu.

Iøjnefaldende er vel især at openoffice.org er installeret på min mint (som ikke crasher) men ikke på ubuntu som crasher. Det er måske også interessant at de andre ting der gør forskellen er database relateret. Men mon ikke man kunne løse det ved at installere openoffice.org. Jeg vil ikke lige prøve lige nu, jeg vil gerne beholde bug'en lidt endnu.

jeg er ved min destination om 2 min, så har ikke tid til at teste det nu, men så snart jeg lige når hjem (en times tid) så prøver jeg lige

men interessant er det at den vil installere følgende pakker:
libhsqldb-java{a} libservlet2.5-java{a} openoffice.org
openoffice.org-base{a} openoffice.org-filter-binfilter{a}
openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev{a} openoffice.org-java-common{a}
openoffice.org-officebean{a} openoffice.org-report-builder-bin{a}
ttf-sil-gentium{a} ttf-sil-gentium-basic{a}
hvis man vil installere openoffice.org
Selvudnævnt guru når det drejer sig om mobilt bredbånd

Webmaster og stifter af:
Hvor du finder scripts til en hver situation

Indlæg: 3461
Tilmeldt: 27. sep 2008, 23:51
IRC nickname: sound
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af soundpartner »

soundpartner skrev:
zob skrev:
i A openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev
i A openoffice.org-filter-binfilter
i openoffice.org-base
i openoffice.org

Jeg gennemgik lige for forskellene og interessant nok...
De opremsede pakker er pakker der er installeret på min mint men ikke på ubuntu.

Iøjnefaldende er vel især at openoffice.org er installeret på min mint (som ikke crasher) men ikke på ubuntu som crasher. Det er måske også interessant at de andre ting der gør forskellen er database relateret. Men mon ikke man kunne løse det ved at installere openoffice.org. Jeg vil ikke lige prøve lige nu, jeg vil gerne beholde bug'en lidt endnu.

jeg er ved min destination om 2 min, så har ikke tid til at teste det nu, men så snart jeg lige når hjem (en times tid) så prøver jeg lige

men interessant er det at den vil installere følgende pakker:
libhsqldb-java{a} libservlet2.5-java{a} openoffice.org
openoffice.org-base{a} openoffice.org-filter-binfilter{a}
openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev{a} openoffice.org-java-common{a}
openoffice.org-officebean{a} openoffice.org-report-builder-bin{a}
ttf-sil-gentium{a} ttf-sil-gentium-basic{a}
hvis man vil installere openoffice.org

jeg kan nu bekrafte at hvis man installerer openoffice.org så kommer ovenstående pakker med ind, og derefter er problemet løst.
jeg vil derfor mene at det ikke er openoffice der har fejlen, men ubuntu installeren, måske enda livecd'en... jeg kunne forestille mig at der var en eller anden der lige har skåret 14 mb af disken på den vis.

edit: sidder i bussen nu, men så snart jeg kommer hjem så bliver dette fix tilføjet til 10.04 scriptet
Selvudnævnt guru når det drejer sig om mobilt bredbånd

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Hvor du finder scripts til en hver situation

Indlæg: 542
Tilmeldt: 10. jan 2009, 08:31
Geografisk sted: Bjerringbro

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af swotie »

soundpartner skrev:virkede ikke, men måske gav det mig en ide... hos jer hvor det virker kunne det være interessant at se output af:

Kode: Vælg alt

aptitude search openoffice.org
for at se om der var en eller anden openoffice pakke som i har inde som vi andre ikke har.

henrik@henrik-desktop:~$ aptitude search openoffice.org
p docvert-openoffice.org - converts word processor files to HTML usin
p libbase-java-openoffice.org - A general purpose base service library (OO
p libflute-java-openoffice.org - Java CSS parser using SAC (OOo 3.1 branch)
p libfonts-java-openoffice.org - Java fonts layouting library (OOo 3.1 bran
p libformula-java-openoffice.org - Excel(tm) style formula expressions librar
p liblayout-java-openoffice.org - Java layouting framework (OOo 3.1 branch)
p libloader-java-openoffice.org - Java general purpose resource loading fram
p libpentaho-reporting-flow-engin - report library for java (OOo 3.1 branch)
p librepository-java-openoffice.o - abstraction library for accessing hierachi
p libserializer-java-openoffice.o - igeneral serializaton framework (OOo 3.1
p libxml-java-openoffice.org - namespace aware SAX-Parser utility library
p mozilla-openoffice.org - office productivity suite -- Mozilla plugi
i openclipart-openoffice.org - clip art for OpenOffice.org gallery
i openoffice.org - office productivity suite
i A openoffice.org-base - office productivity suite -- database
i openoffice.org-base-core - office productivity suite -- shared librar
v openoffice.org-bundled -
i openoffice.org-calc - office productivity suite -- spreadsheet
i openoffice.org-common - office productivity suite -- arch-independ
p openoffice.org-coooder - syntax highlighting extension for OpenOffi
i openoffice.org-core - office productivity suite -- arch-dependen
p openoffice.org-ctl-he - Turns on CTL support, & sets Hebrew as the
p openoffice.org-dev - office productivity suite -- SDK
p openoffice.org-dev-doc - office productivity suite -- SDK documenta
p openoffice.org-dmaths - Formula editor improvements for OpenOffice
i openoffice.org-draw - office productivity suite -- drawing
p openoffice.org-dtd-officedocume - office productivity suite -- legacy 1.0 XM
i openoffice.org-emailmerge - office productivity suite -- email mail me
p openoffice.org-evolution - office productivity suite -- Evolution add
i A openoffice.org-filter-binfilter - office productivity suite -- legacy filter
i A openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev - office productivity suite -- mobile device
v openoffice.org-filter-so52 -
p openoffice.org-gcj - office productivity suite -- Java librarie
i openoffice.org-gnome - office productivity suite -- GNOME integra
i openoffice.org-gtk - office productivity suite -- GTK+ integrat
v openoffice.org-gtk-gnome -
v openoffice.org-headless -
v openoffice.org-help-3.2 -
p openoffice.org-help-br - office productivity suite -- Breton help
p openoffice.org-help-ca - office productivity suite -- Catalan help
p openoffice.org-help-cs - office productivity suite -- Czech help
i openoffice.org-help-da - office productivity suite -- Danish help
p openoffice.org-help-de - office productivity suite -- German help
p openoffice.org-help-dz - office productivity suite -- Dzongkha help
p openoffice.org-help-el - office productivity suite -- Greek help
i openoffice.org-help-en-gb - office productivity suite -- English_briti
i openoffice.org-help-en-us - office productivity suite -- English_ameri
p openoffice.org-help-es - office productivity suite -- Spanish help
p openoffice.org-help-et - office productivity suite -- Estonian help
p openoffice.org-help-eu - office productivity suite -- Basque help
p openoffice.org-help-fi - office productivity suite -- Finnish help
p openoffice.org-help-fr - office productivity suite -- French help
p openoffice.org-help-gl - office productivity suite -- Galician help
p openoffice.org-help-hi-in - office productivity suite -- Hindi help
p openoffice.org-help-hu - office productivity suite -- Hungarian hel
p openoffice.org-help-it - office productivity suite -- Italian help
p openoffice.org-help-ja - office productivity suite -- Japanese help
p openoffice.org-help-km - office productivity suite -- Khmer help
p openoffice.org-help-ko - office productivity suite -- Korean help
p openoffice.org-help-nl - office productivity suite -- Dutch help
p openoffice.org-help-om - office productivity suite -- Oromo help
p openoffice.org-help-pl - office productivity suite -- Polish help
p openoffice.org-help-pt - office productivity suite -- Portuguese he
p openoffice.org-help-pt-br - office productivity suite -- Portuguese_br
p openoffice.org-help-ru - office productivity suite -- Russian help
p openoffice.org-help-sl - office productivity suite -- Slovenian hel
p openoffice.org-help-sv - office productivity suite -- Swedish help
p openoffice.org-help-zh-cn - office productivity suite -- Chinese_simpl
p openoffice.org-help-zh-tw - office productivity suite -- Chinese_tradi
v openoffice.org-hunspell -
i openoffice.org-hyphenation - Hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-af - Afrikaans hyphenation patterns for OpenOff
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-ca - Catalan hyphenation patterns for OpenOffic
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-cs -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-da -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-de - German hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-el -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-en -
i openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-u - US English hyphenation patterns for OpenOf
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-es -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-et -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-fi -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-fr - French hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-ga -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-hr - Croatian hyphenation pattern for OpenOffic
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-hu - Hungarian hyphenation patterns for OpenOff
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-id -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-is -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-it - Italian hyphenation patterns for OpenOffic
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-lt - Lithuanian hyphenation pattern for OpenOff
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-lv -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-nl -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-pl - Polish hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-pt -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-ro - Romanian hyphenation patterns for OpenOffi
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-ru -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-sh - Serbian (Latin) hyphenation patterns for O
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-sk -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-sl - Slovenian hyphenation patterns for OpenOff
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-sr - Serbian (Cyrillic) hyphenation patterns fo
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-sv -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-tr -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-uk -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-zu - Zulu hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.o
i openoffice.org-impress - office productivity suite -- presentation
v openoffice.org-java -
i A openoffice.org-java-common - office productivity suite -- arch-independ
p openoffice.org-kde - office productivity suite -- KDE integrati
v openoffice.org-l10n-3.2 -
p openoffice.org-l10n-af - office productivity suite -- Afrikaans lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-ar - office productivity suite -- Arabic langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-as - office productivity suite -- Assamese lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-as-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-ast - office productivity suite -- Asturian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-be-by - office productivity suite -- Belarussian l
p openoffice.org-l10n-bg - office productivity suite -- Bulgarian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-bn - office productivity suite -- Bengali langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-br - office productivity suite -- Breton langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-bs - office productivity suite -- Bosnian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ca - office productivity suite -- Catalan langu
i A openoffice.org-l10n-common - common files for OpenOffice.org language a
p openoffice.org-l10n-cs - office productivity suite -- Czech languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-cy - office productivity suite -- Welsh languag
i openoffice.org-l10n-da - office productivity suite -- Danish langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-de - office productivity suite -- German langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-dz - office productivity suite -- Dzongkha lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-el - office productivity suite -- Greek languag
i A openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb - office productivity suite -- English_briti
v openoffice.org-l10n-en-us -
i openoffice.org-l10n-en-za - office productivity suite -- English_south
p openoffice.org-l10n-eo - office productivity suite -- Esperanto lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-es - office productivity suite -- Spanish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-et - office productivity suite -- Estonian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-eu - office productivity suite -- Basque langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-fa - office productivity suite -- Farsi languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-fi - office productivity suite -- Finnish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-fr - office productivity suite -- French langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-ga - office productivity suite -- Gaelic langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-gl - office productivity suite -- Galician lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-gu - office productivity suite -- Gujarati lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-gu-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-he - office productivity suite -- Hebrew langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-hi-in - office productivity suite -- Hindi languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-hr - office productivity suite -- Croatian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-hu - office productivity suite -- Hungarian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-id - office productivity suite -- Indonesian la
p openoffice.org-l10n-in - office productivity suite -- Indic languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-it - office productivity suite -- Italian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ja - office productivity suite -- Japanese lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-ka - office productivity suite -- Georgian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-km - office productivity suite -- Khmer languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-kn - office productivity suite -- Kannada langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ko - office productivity suite -- Korean langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-ku - office productivity suite -- Kurdish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-lt - office productivity suite -- Lithuanian la
p openoffice.org-l10n-lv - office productivity suite -- Latvian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-mk - office productivity suite -- Macedonian la
p openoffice.org-l10n-ml - office productivity suite -- Malayalam lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-ml-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-mn - office productivity suite -- Mongolian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-mr - office productivity suite -- Marathi langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-mr-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-nb - office productivity suite -- Norwegian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-ne - office productivity suite -- Nepalese lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-nl - office productivity suite -- Dutch languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-nn - office productivity suite -- Norwegian_nyn
p openoffice.org-l10n-nr - office productivity suite -- Ndebele langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ns - office productivity suite -- Northernsotho
p openoffice.org-l10n-oc - office productivity suite -- Occitan langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-om - office productivity suite -- Oromo languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-or - office productivity suite -- Oriya languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-or-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-pa-in - office productivity suite -- Punjabi langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-pl - office productivity suite -- Polish langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-pt - office productivity suite -- Portuguese la
p openoffice.org-l10n-pt-br - office productivity suite -- Portuguese_br
p openoffice.org-l10n-ro - office productivity suite -- Romanian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-ru - office productivity suite -- Russian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-rw - office productivity suite -- Kinarwanda la
p openoffice.org-l10n-si - office productivity suite -- Sinhala langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-sk - office productivity suite -- Slovak langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-sl - office productivity suite -- Slovenian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-sr - office productivity suite -- Serbian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ss - office productivity suite -- Swazi languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-st - office productivity suite -- Southern_soth
p openoffice.org-l10n-sv - office productivity suite -- Swedish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ta - office productivity suite -- Tamil languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-ta-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-te - office productivity suite -- Telugu langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-te-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-tg - office productivity suite -- Tajik languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-th - office productivity suite -- Thai language
p openoffice.org-l10n-tn - office productivity suite -- Tswana langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-tr - office productivity suite -- Turkish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ts - office productivity suite -- Tsonga langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-ug - office productivity suite -- Uighur langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-uk - office productivity suite -- Ukrainian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-uz - office productivity suite -- Uzbek languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-ve - office productivity suite -- Venda languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-vi - office productivity suite -- Vietnamese la
p openoffice.org-l10n-xh - office productivity suite -- Xhosa languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-za - office productivity suite -- South African
p openoffice.org-l10n-zh-cn - office productivity suite -- Chinese_simpl
p openoffice.org-l10n-zh-tw - office productivity suite -- Chinese_tradi
p openoffice.org-l10n-zu - office productivity suite -- Zulu language
i openoffice.org-math - office productivity suite -- equation edit
p openoffice.org-mysql-connector - MySQL Connector extension for OpenOffice.o
i A openoffice.org-officebean - office productivity suite -- Java bean
p openoffice.org-ogltrans - OpenOffice.org Impress extension for trans
p openoffice.org-pdfimport - OpenOffice.org extension for importing PDF
p openoffice.org-presentation-min - OpenOffice.org extension for size-efficien
p openoffice.org-presenter-consol - OpenOffice.org Impress extension for a sep
v openoffice.org-presenter-screen -
p openoffice.org-report-builder - OpenOffice.org extension for building data
i A openoffice.org-report-builder-b - OpenOffice.org extension for building data
v openoffice.org-reportdesigner -
p openoffice.org-sdbc-postgresql - OpenOffice.org extension for PostgreSQL SD
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ca -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-de-at -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-de-ch -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-de-de -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-eo -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-es -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-et -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-eu -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-fi -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-fo -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-fr-fr -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-gl -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-lv -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-nb -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-nn -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-nr -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ns -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ru -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ss -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-st -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-tl -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-tn -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-tr -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-uz -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ve -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-xh -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-zu -
p openoffice.org-starter-guide - Getting Started guide for OpenOffice.org 2
v openoffice.org-style -
p openoffice.org-style-andromeda - office productivity suite -- Andromeda (Cl
p openoffice.org-style-crystal - office productivity suite -- Crystal symbo
v openoffice.org-style-default -
p openoffice.org-style-galaxy - office productivity suite -- Galaxy (Defau
p openoffice.org-style-hicontrast - office productivity suite -- Hicontrast sy
i openoffice.org-style-human - Human symbol style for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-style-industrial - office productivity suite -- Industrial sy
p openoffice.org-style-oxygen - office productivity suite -- Oxygen symbol
p openoffice.org-style-tango - office productivity suite -- Tango symbol
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ca - Catalan Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-cs - Czech Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-de - German Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-de-ch - German Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org (Swiss
i openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-au - Australian English Thesaurus for OpenOffic
v openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-gb -
i openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us - English Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-fr - French Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-hu - Hungarian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-it - Italian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org 2
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ne - Nepali Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-pl - Polish thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ro - Romanian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ru - Russian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-sk - Slovak Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
v openoffice.org-updatedicts -
p openoffice.org-voikko - Finnish language tools for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-wiki-publisher - OpenOffice.org extension for working with
i openoffice.org-writer - office productivity suite -- word processo
p openoffice.org-writer2latex - Writer/Calc to LaTeX converter extension f
p openoffice.org-writer2xhtml - Writer/Calc to XHTML converter extension f
p openoffice.org-zemberek - Turkish spell checker extension for Openof
v openoffice.org2 -
v openoffice.org2-base -
v openoffice.org2-calc -
v openoffice.org2-common -
v openoffice.org2-core -
v openoffice.org2-dev -
v openoffice.org2-dev-doc -
v openoffice.org2-draw -
v openoffice.org2-evolution -
v openoffice.org2-filter-so52 -
v openoffice.org2-gnome -
v openoffice.org2-hunspell -
v openoffice.org2-impress -
v openoffice.org2-java-common -
v openoffice.org2-kde -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-af -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ar -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-as -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ast -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-be-by -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-bg -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-bn -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-br -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-bs -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ca -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-cs -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-cy -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-da -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-de -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-dz -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-el -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-en-gb -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-en-za -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-eo -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-es -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-et -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-eu -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-fa -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-fi -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-fr -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ga -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-gl -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-gu -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-he -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-hi-in -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-hr -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-hu -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-id -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-it -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ja -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ka -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-km -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-kn -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ko -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ku -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-lt -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-lv -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-mk -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ml -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-mn -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-mr -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-nb -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ne -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-nl -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-nn -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-nr -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ns -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-oc -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-om -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-or -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-pa-in -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-pl -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-pt -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-pt-br -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ro -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ru -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-rw -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-si -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-sk -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-sl -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-sr -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ss -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-st -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-sv -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ta -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-te -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-tg -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-th -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-tn -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-tr -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ts -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ug -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-uk -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-uz -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ve -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-vi -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-xh -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-zh-cn -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-zh-tw -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-zu -
v openoffice.org2-math -
v openoffice.org2-officebean -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-ca -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-cs -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-de -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-en-us -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-fr -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-hu -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-it -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-pl -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-ro -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-ru -
v openoffice.org2-thesaurus-sk -
v openoffice.org2-writer -

Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit

Lenovo ideacenter 310S, Pentium J4205 Quad, 8 GB Ram,canonscan lide 120 scanner
Indlæg: 5515
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 20:52
IRC nickname: laoshi
Geografisk sted: Vejle

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af laoshi »

soundpartner skrev:jeg kan nu bekrafte at hvis man installerer openoffice.org så kommer ovenstående pakker med ind, og derefter er problemet løst.

Ja, det virker:

Kode: Vælg alt

  Installeret: 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4
  Kandidat: 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4
 *** 1:3.2.0-7ubuntu4 0
        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/universe Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

og litteraturdatabasen åbner som den skal.
"Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am Abend und am Morgen
Und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag"

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)

Indlæg: 3461
Tilmeldt: 27. sep 2008, 23:51
IRC nickname: sound
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af soundpartner »

swotie skrev:
soundpartner skrev:virkede ikke, men måske gav det mig en ide... hos jer hvor det virker kunne det være interessant at se output af:

Kode: Vælg alt

aptitude search openoffice.org
for at se om der var en eller anden openoffice pakke som i har inde som vi andre ikke har.

henrik@henrik-desktop:~$ aptitude search openoffice.org
p docvert-openoffice.org - converts word processor files to HTML usin
p libbase-java-openoffice.org - A general purpose base service library (OO
p libflute-java-openoffice.org - Java CSS parser using SAC (OOo 3.1 branch)
p libfonts-java-openoffice.org - Java fonts layouting library (OOo 3.1 bran
p libformula-java-openoffice.org - Excel(tm) style formula expressions librar
p liblayout-java-openoffice.org - Java layouting framework (OOo 3.1 branch)
p libloader-java-openoffice.org - Java general purpose resource loading fram
p libpentaho-reporting-flow-engin - report library for java (OOo 3.1 branch)
p librepository-java-openoffice.o - abstraction library for accessing hierachi
p libserializer-java-openoffice.o - igeneral serializaton framework (OOo 3.1
p libxml-java-openoffice.org - namespace aware SAX-Parser utility library
p mozilla-openoffice.org - office productivity suite -- Mozilla plugi
i openclipart-openoffice.org - clip art for OpenOffice.org gallery
i openoffice.org - office productivity suite
i A openoffice.org-base - office productivity suite -- database
i openoffice.org-base-core - office productivity suite -- shared librar
v openoffice.org-bundled -
i openoffice.org-calc - office productivity suite -- spreadsheet
i openoffice.org-common - office productivity suite -- arch-independ
p openoffice.org-coooder - syntax highlighting extension for OpenOffi
i openoffice.org-core - office productivity suite -- arch-dependen
p openoffice.org-ctl-he - Turns on CTL support, & sets Hebrew as the
p openoffice.org-dev - office productivity suite -- SDK
p openoffice.org-dev-doc - office productivity suite -- SDK documenta
p openoffice.org-dmaths - Formula editor improvements for OpenOffice
i openoffice.org-draw - office productivity suite -- drawing
p openoffice.org-dtd-officedocume - office productivity suite -- legacy 1.0 XM
i openoffice.org-emailmerge - office productivity suite -- email mail me
p openoffice.org-evolution - office productivity suite -- Evolution add
i A openoffice.org-filter-binfilter - office productivity suite -- legacy filter
i A openoffice.org-filter-mobiledev - office productivity suite -- mobile device
v openoffice.org-filter-so52 -
p openoffice.org-gcj - office productivity suite -- Java librarie
i openoffice.org-gnome - office productivity suite -- GNOME integra
i openoffice.org-gtk - office productivity suite -- GTK+ integrat
v openoffice.org-gtk-gnome -
v openoffice.org-headless -
v openoffice.org-help-3.2 -
p openoffice.org-help-br - office productivity suite -- Breton help
p openoffice.org-help-ca - office productivity suite -- Catalan help
p openoffice.org-help-cs - office productivity suite -- Czech help
i openoffice.org-help-da - office productivity suite -- Danish help
p openoffice.org-help-de - office productivity suite -- German help
p openoffice.org-help-dz - office productivity suite -- Dzongkha help
p openoffice.org-help-el - office productivity suite -- Greek help
i openoffice.org-help-en-gb - office productivity suite -- English_briti
i openoffice.org-help-en-us - office productivity suite -- English_ameri
p openoffice.org-help-es - office productivity suite -- Spanish help
p openoffice.org-help-et - office productivity suite -- Estonian help
p openoffice.org-help-eu - office productivity suite -- Basque help
p openoffice.org-help-fi - office productivity suite -- Finnish help
p openoffice.org-help-fr - office productivity suite -- French help
p openoffice.org-help-gl - office productivity suite -- Galician help
p openoffice.org-help-hi-in - office productivity suite -- Hindi help
p openoffice.org-help-hu - office productivity suite -- Hungarian hel
p openoffice.org-help-it - office productivity suite -- Italian help
p openoffice.org-help-ja - office productivity suite -- Japanese help
p openoffice.org-help-km - office productivity suite -- Khmer help
p openoffice.org-help-ko - office productivity suite -- Korean help
p openoffice.org-help-nl - office productivity suite -- Dutch help
p openoffice.org-help-om - office productivity suite -- Oromo help
p openoffice.org-help-pl - office productivity suite -- Polish help
p openoffice.org-help-pt - office productivity suite -- Portuguese he
p openoffice.org-help-pt-br - office productivity suite -- Portuguese_br
p openoffice.org-help-ru - office productivity suite -- Russian help
p openoffice.org-help-sl - office productivity suite -- Slovenian hel
p openoffice.org-help-sv - office productivity suite -- Swedish help
p openoffice.org-help-zh-cn - office productivity suite -- Chinese_simpl
p openoffice.org-help-zh-tw - office productivity suite -- Chinese_tradi
v openoffice.org-hunspell -
i openoffice.org-hyphenation - Hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-af - Afrikaans hyphenation patterns for OpenOff
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-ca - Catalan hyphenation patterns for OpenOffic
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-cs -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-da -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-de - German hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-el -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-en -
i openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-u - US English hyphenation patterns for OpenOf
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-es -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-et -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-fi -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-fr - French hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-ga -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-hr - Croatian hyphenation pattern for OpenOffic
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-hu - Hungarian hyphenation patterns for OpenOff
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-id -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-is -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-it - Italian hyphenation patterns for OpenOffic
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-lt - Lithuanian hyphenation pattern for OpenOff
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-lv -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-nl -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-pl - Polish hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-pt -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-ro - Romanian hyphenation patterns for OpenOffi
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-ru -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-sh - Serbian (Latin) hyphenation patterns for O
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-sk -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-sl - Slovenian hyphenation patterns for OpenOff
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-sr - Serbian (Cyrillic) hyphenation patterns fo
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-sv -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-tr -
v openoffice.org-hyphenation-uk -
p openoffice.org-hyphenation-zu - Zulu hyphenation patterns for OpenOffice.o
i openoffice.org-impress - office productivity suite -- presentation
v openoffice.org-java -
i A openoffice.org-java-common - office productivity suite -- arch-independ
p openoffice.org-kde - office productivity suite -- KDE integrati
v openoffice.org-l10n-3.2 -
p openoffice.org-l10n-af - office productivity suite -- Afrikaans lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-ar - office productivity suite -- Arabic langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-as - office productivity suite -- Assamese lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-as-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-ast - office productivity suite -- Asturian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-be-by - office productivity suite -- Belarussian l
p openoffice.org-l10n-bg - office productivity suite -- Bulgarian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-bn - office productivity suite -- Bengali langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-br - office productivity suite -- Breton langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-bs - office productivity suite -- Bosnian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ca - office productivity suite -- Catalan langu
i A openoffice.org-l10n-common - common files for OpenOffice.org language a
p openoffice.org-l10n-cs - office productivity suite -- Czech languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-cy - office productivity suite -- Welsh languag
i openoffice.org-l10n-da - office productivity suite -- Danish langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-de - office productivity suite -- German langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-dz - office productivity suite -- Dzongkha lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-el - office productivity suite -- Greek languag
i A openoffice.org-l10n-en-gb - office productivity suite -- English_briti
v openoffice.org-l10n-en-us -
i openoffice.org-l10n-en-za - office productivity suite -- English_south
p openoffice.org-l10n-eo - office productivity suite -- Esperanto lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-es - office productivity suite -- Spanish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-et - office productivity suite -- Estonian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-eu - office productivity suite -- Basque langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-fa - office productivity suite -- Farsi languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-fi - office productivity suite -- Finnish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-fr - office productivity suite -- French langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-ga - office productivity suite -- Gaelic langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-gl - office productivity suite -- Galician lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-gu - office productivity suite -- Gujarati lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-gu-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-he - office productivity suite -- Hebrew langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-hi-in - office productivity suite -- Hindi languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-hr - office productivity suite -- Croatian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-hu - office productivity suite -- Hungarian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-id - office productivity suite -- Indonesian la
p openoffice.org-l10n-in - office productivity suite -- Indic languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-it - office productivity suite -- Italian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ja - office productivity suite -- Japanese lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-ka - office productivity suite -- Georgian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-km - office productivity suite -- Khmer languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-kn - office productivity suite -- Kannada langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ko - office productivity suite -- Korean langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-ku - office productivity suite -- Kurdish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-lt - office productivity suite -- Lithuanian la
p openoffice.org-l10n-lv - office productivity suite -- Latvian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-mk - office productivity suite -- Macedonian la
p openoffice.org-l10n-ml - office productivity suite -- Malayalam lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-ml-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-mn - office productivity suite -- Mongolian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-mr - office productivity suite -- Marathi langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-mr-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-nb - office productivity suite -- Norwegian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-ne - office productivity suite -- Nepalese lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-nl - office productivity suite -- Dutch languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-nn - office productivity suite -- Norwegian_nyn
p openoffice.org-l10n-nr - office productivity suite -- Ndebele langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ns - office productivity suite -- Northernsotho
p openoffice.org-l10n-oc - office productivity suite -- Occitan langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-om - office productivity suite -- Oromo languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-or - office productivity suite -- Oriya languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-or-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-pa-in - office productivity suite -- Punjabi langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-pl - office productivity suite -- Polish langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-pt - office productivity suite -- Portuguese la
p openoffice.org-l10n-pt-br - office productivity suite -- Portuguese_br
p openoffice.org-l10n-ro - office productivity suite -- Romanian lang
p openoffice.org-l10n-ru - office productivity suite -- Russian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-rw - office productivity suite -- Kinarwanda la
p openoffice.org-l10n-si - office productivity suite -- Sinhala langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-sk - office productivity suite -- Slovak langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-sl - office productivity suite -- Slovenian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-sr - office productivity suite -- Serbian langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ss - office productivity suite -- Swazi languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-st - office productivity suite -- Southern_soth
p openoffice.org-l10n-sv - office productivity suite -- Swedish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ta - office productivity suite -- Tamil languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-ta-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-te - office productivity suite -- Telugu langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-te-in - transitional package to openoffice.org-l10
p openoffice.org-l10n-tg - office productivity suite -- Tajik languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-th - office productivity suite -- Thai language
p openoffice.org-l10n-tn - office productivity suite -- Tswana langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-tr - office productivity suite -- Turkish langu
p openoffice.org-l10n-ts - office productivity suite -- Tsonga langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-ug - office productivity suite -- Uighur langua
p openoffice.org-l10n-uk - office productivity suite -- Ukrainian lan
p openoffice.org-l10n-uz - office productivity suite -- Uzbek languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-ve - office productivity suite -- Venda languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-vi - office productivity suite -- Vietnamese la
p openoffice.org-l10n-xh - office productivity suite -- Xhosa languag
p openoffice.org-l10n-za - office productivity suite -- South African
p openoffice.org-l10n-zh-cn - office productivity suite -- Chinese_simpl
p openoffice.org-l10n-zh-tw - office productivity suite -- Chinese_tradi
p openoffice.org-l10n-zu - office productivity suite -- Zulu language
i openoffice.org-math - office productivity suite -- equation edit
p openoffice.org-mysql-connector - MySQL Connector extension for OpenOffice.o
i A openoffice.org-officebean - office productivity suite -- Java bean
p openoffice.org-ogltrans - OpenOffice.org Impress extension for trans
p openoffice.org-pdfimport - OpenOffice.org extension for importing PDF
p openoffice.org-presentation-min - OpenOffice.org extension for size-efficien
p openoffice.org-presenter-consol - OpenOffice.org Impress extension for a sep
v openoffice.org-presenter-screen -
p openoffice.org-report-builder - OpenOffice.org extension for building data
i A openoffice.org-report-builder-b - OpenOffice.org extension for building data
v openoffice.org-reportdesigner -
p openoffice.org-sdbc-postgresql - OpenOffice.org extension for PostgreSQL SD
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ca -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-de-at -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-de-ch -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-de-de -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-eo -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-es -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-et -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-eu -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-fi -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-fo -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-fr-fr -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-gl -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-lv -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-nb -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-nn -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-nr -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ns -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ru -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ss -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-st -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-tl -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-tn -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-tr -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-uz -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-ve -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-xh -
v openoffice.org-spellcheck-zu -
p openoffice.org-starter-guide - Getting Started guide for OpenOffice.org 2
v openoffice.org-style -
p openoffice.org-style-andromeda - office productivity suite -- Andromeda (Cl
p openoffice.org-style-crystal - office productivity suite -- Crystal symbo
v openoffice.org-style-default -
p openoffice.org-style-galaxy - office productivity suite -- Galaxy (Defau
p openoffice.org-style-hicontrast - office productivity suite -- Hicontrast sy
i openoffice.org-style-human - Human symbol style for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-style-industrial - office productivity suite -- Industrial sy
p openoffice.org-style-oxygen - office productivity suite -- Oxygen symbol
p openoffice.org-style-tango - office productivity suite -- Tango symbol
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ca - Catalan Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-cs - Czech Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-de - German Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-de-ch - German Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org (Swiss
i openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-au - Australian English Thesaurus for OpenOffic
v openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-gb -
i openoffice.org-thesaurus-en-us - English Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-fr - French Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-hu - Hungarian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-it - Italian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org 2
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ne - Nepali Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-pl - Polish thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ro - Romanian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-ru - Russian Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-thesaurus-sk - Slovak Thesaurus for OpenOffice.org
v openoffice.org-updatedicts -
p openoffice.org-voikko - Finnish language tools for OpenOffice.org
p openoffice.org-wiki-publisher - OpenOffice.org extension for working with
i openoffice.org-writer - office productivity suite -- word processo
p openoffice.org-writer2latex - Writer/Calc to LaTeX converter extension f
p openoffice.org-writer2xhtml - Writer/Calc to XHTML converter extension f
p openoffice.org-zemberek - Turkish spell checker extension for Openof
v openoffice.org2 -
v openoffice.org2-base -
v openoffice.org2-calc -
v openoffice.org2-common -
v openoffice.org2-core -
v openoffice.org2-dev -
v openoffice.org2-dev-doc -
v openoffice.org2-draw -
v openoffice.org2-evolution -
v openoffice.org2-filter-so52 -
v openoffice.org2-gnome -
v openoffice.org2-hunspell -
v openoffice.org2-impress -
v openoffice.org2-java-common -
v openoffice.org2-kde -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-af -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ar -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-as -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ast -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-be-by -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-bg -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-bn -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-br -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-bs -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ca -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-cs -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-cy -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-da -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-de -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-dz -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-el -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-en-gb -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-en-za -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-eo -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-es -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-et -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-eu -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-fa -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-fi -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-fr -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-ga -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-gl -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-gu -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-he -
v openoffice.org2-l10n-hi-in -
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super og tak... zob kom dig i forkøbet og sammenlignede...
buggen er fundet og "løst"
det er bare pakken openoffice.org samt dennes dependensys der skal installeres så kører det.
Selvudnævnt guru når det drejer sig om mobilt bredbånd

Webmaster og stifter af:
Hvor du finder scripts til en hver situation

Indlæg: 4430
Tilmeldt: 6. jan 2009, 22:01
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af zob »

I kan abonnere på bug'en nu.
Bug er raporteret her: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour ... bug/588306
Og fix'et for så vidt også.
Og et ønske om at det måske bliver rettet - det ser så skidt ud med den slags bugs.
Indlæg: 5515
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 20:52
IRC nickname: laoshi
Geografisk sted: Vejle

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af laoshi »

Effektivt arbejde!
"Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am Abend und am Morgen
Und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag"

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)

Indlæg: 4430
Tilmeldt: 6. jan 2009, 22:01
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af zob »

Folk med en launchpad-konto, der synes dette ligner en bug og som synes den kunne være værd at får rettet, er velkomne til at klikke på den gule cirkel med en blyant i og melde sig som affected (som soundpartner har gjort):
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour ... bug/588306
Indlæg: 542
Tilmeldt: 10. jan 2009, 08:31
Geografisk sted: Bjerringbro

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af swotie »

zob skrev:Folk med en launchpad-konto,

Måske er jeg en dummy, men hva' dælme dutme (det er jydsk :lol: ) ( på københavnsk, hedder det nok , hva f..... :roll: )er en launchpad-konto ?

Ubuntu 20.04 64 bit

Lenovo ideacenter 310S, Pentium J4205 Quad, 8 GB Ram,canonscan lide 120 scanner
Indlæg: 3461
Tilmeldt: 27. sep 2008, 23:51
IRC nickname: sound
Geografisk sted: København

Re: En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af soundpartner »

swotie skrev:
zob skrev:Folk med en launchpad-konto,

Måske er jeg en dummy, men hva' dælme dutme (det er jydsk :lol: ) ( på københavnsk, hedder det nok , hva f..... :roll: )er en launchpad-konto ?

uha den er nem den her...

en launchpad konto er en konto til launchpad.

ba da tisch

he he...
launchpad er den service der blandt anndet bruges til at reportere bugs i ubuntu.
Selvudnævnt guru når det drejer sig om mobilt bredbånd

Webmaster og stifter af:
Hvor du finder scripts til en hver situation

Indlæg: 4430
Tilmeldt: 6. jan 2009, 22:01
Geografisk sted: København

Re: [LØST] En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af zob »

No ska' a' den onde lyn'mæ fortæl' dæ, wha' lånsjpat er for nowe.

En slags central bug-tracking for bl.a. ubuntu. Det er netop en af de store styrker ved open source at alle tager del i at finde og løse de fejl der måtte være. Det er bl.a. derfor at f.eks. det hvide hus deler deres kode med alle: http://www.whitehouse.gov/tech

Udover det så mener jeg at du skal have en launchpad-konto for at logge ind på ubuntuone og ubuntu music store.
Indlæg: 5515
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 20:52
IRC nickname: laoshi
Geografisk sted: Vejle

Re: [LØST] En der gider efterprøve en mulig bug i OpenOffice?

Indlæg af laoshi »

launchpad er den service der blandt anndet bruges til at reportere bugs i ubuntu.
- det er simpelthen det store værksted for rettelse af større eller mindre fejl/irritationsmomenter i Ubuntu, så det er godt at have en launchpadkonto hvis man vil følge med, eller - endnu bedre - bidrage til at få fejlene rettet, f.eks. ved at indsende fejlbeskrivelser, logfiler, eller hvis man har fundet en måde at rette tingene på.

Nå ham dæe zob, han æ godt nok nøj hurte' - men du kan godt bruge ubuntu-one uden launchpad, men med en ubuntu single sign in. Men for os som havde en launchpadkonto inden det blev opfundet, så kan vi bruge oplysningerne fra den til at komme på single sign in (eller on?).
"Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am Abend und am Morgen
Und ganz gewiss an jedem neuen Tag"

(Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945)
