Connexions - Frie Skolebøger...

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Don S
Indlæg: 473
Tilmeldt: 3. dec 2007, 21:41
IRC nickname: Don_S
Geografisk sted: Melby, Nordsjælland

Connexions - Frie Skolebøger...

Indlæg af Don S »

I min konstante stræben efter åbne bøger og i min kamp for fri adgang til viden, faldt jeg over Connexions projektet. Det har været igang siden 1999, så jeg ved ikke om det er mig der har været ignorant overfor dets eksistens eller om det ikke har fået specielt meget opmærksomhed, men nu har jeg i hvertfald fundet det.

Specielt grundfilosofien er jeg meget enig i.
The Connexions approach

Connexions is an environment for collaboratively developing, freely sharing, and rapidly publishing scholarly content on the Web. Our Content Commons contains educational materials for everyone — from children to college students to professionals — organized in small modules that are easily connected into larger collections or courses. All content is free to use and reuse under the Creative Commons "attribution" license.

Content should be modular and non-linear
Most textbooks are a mass of information in linear format: one topic follows after another. However, our brains are not linear - we learn by making connections between new concepts and things we already know. Connexions mimics this by breaking down content into smaller chunks, called modules, that can be linked together and arranged in different ways. This lets students see the relationships both within and between topics and helps demonstrate that knowledge is naturally interconnected, not isolated into separate classes or books.
Sharing is good
Why re-invent the wheel? When people share their knowledge, they can select from the best ideas to create the most effective learning materials. The knowledge in Connexions can be shared and built upon by all because it is reusable:

* technologically: we store content in XML, which ensures that it works on multiple computer platforms now and in the future.
* legally: the Creative Commons open-content licenses make it easy for authors to share their work - allowing others to use and reuse it legally - while still getting recognition and attribution for their efforts.
* educationally: we encourage authors to write each module to stand on its own so that others can easily use it in different courses and contexts. Connexions also allows instructors to customize content by overlaying their own set of links and annotations. Please take the Connexions Tour and see the many features in Connexions.

Collaboration is encouraged
Just as knowledge is interconnected, people don't live in a vacuum. Connexions promotes communication between content creators and provides various means of collaboration. Collaboration helps knowledge grow more quickly, advancing the possibilities for new ideas from which we all benefit.

Nu tænker du måske: Connexions lyder meget som Wikipedia, men hvor Wikipedia er et forsøg på at lave en encyklopædi, er connexions et forsøg på at lave en universel, alt-omspændende skolebog, dvs. at der er større fokus på læring end rå information, hvilket gør den langt mere egnet til læringsorienteret læsning, hvor man ønsker at lære og forstå noget omkring et specifikt emne, i stedet for bare at få de hårde facts.

Anyway, jeg tænkte at det var værd at dele med jer andre, da jeg ved at der er folk som mig der studerer eller underviser derude og måske ikke føler at Wikipedia er helt tilstrækkeligt, når det kommer til skolearbejde eller til at dele ud af sin viden.

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