"Users of the upcoming Ubuntu release, Intrepid Ibex, are being confronted with an EULA the first time they launch Firefox. Mark Shuttleworth says 'Mozilla Corp asked that this be added in order for us to continue to call the browser Firefox... I would not consider an EULA as a best practice. It's unfortunate that Mozilla feels this is absolutely necessary' and notes there's an unbranded 'abrowser' package available. Many of the comments say Ubuntu should ditch Firefox as this makes it clear it's not Free Software, hence unsuitable for Ubuntu main, and just ship Iceweasel or Epiphany, the GNOME browser."
Ved ikke helt hvad jeg skal sige. Iceweasel lyder umiddelbart som en god idé. Tror ikke folk vil have det så nemt, ved at vænne sig til Epiphany.
Jeg synes bare Shuttleworth skulle være streng. Hvis Firefox vil være med i verdens mest brugte Linux-distro, må de tilpasse sig distroen - ikke omvendt.
De skulle vælge Epiphany istedet og omdøb den til web-browser (for at undgå forvirring blandt nye bruger). Hvis folk vil have in EULA pop up, så kan de installere firefox fra repo'en. Meget uheldigt at Mark ikke siger fra.