2. Legacy
Jeg får ikke startet fra USB med U 16.04 i UEFI mode, uanset boot rækkefølge. Så er jeg tvunget til at installere i "legacy" mode? Microsoft irriterer mig en smule må jeg indrømme .. MIster jeg noget på den måde - Det er som om at dual boot er helt umuligt: Jeg læser følgende om problemet: (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI )
if you're dual-booting with a pre-installed Windows 8 but have problems getting a UEFI version of GRUB to work, you'll be in a bind. As a general rule, though, UEFI mode works better in dual-boot setups with pre-installed versions of Windows 8. If you're installing Ubuntu as the sole OS on a computer, either mode is likely to work, although BIOS mode is less likely to cause problems.
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Case when Ubuntu must be installed in UEFI mode
Having a PC with UEFI firmware does not mean that you need to install Ubuntu in UEFI mode. What is important is below:
if the other systems (Windows Vista/7/8, GNU/Linux...) of your computer are installed in UEFI mode, then you must install Ubuntu in UEFI mode too.
if the other systems (Windows, GNU/Linux...) of your computer are installed in Legacy (not-UEFI) mode, then you must install Ubuntu in Legacy mode too. Eg if your computer is old (<2010), is 32bits, or was sold with a pre-installed Windows XP.
if Ubuntu is the only operating system on your computer, then it does not matter whether you install Ubuntu in UEFI mode or not.
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Kan det passe af UEFI mode er blokeret af Win10 på bios niveau? At jeg er tvunget til at droppe dual boot og installere "Ubuntu only" i legacy mode ?