EUFO eller legal boot mode
... det ville være godt hvis du skriver tingende ned når du ser dem på skærmen så det er det rigtige du fortæller her. Jeg vil gætte på det har været "UEFI" og "Legacy boot mode", Legacy er også kendte som BIOS tilstand.
EUFO eller legal boot mode
Case when Ubuntu must be installed in UEFI mode
Having a PC with UEFI firmware does not mean that you need to install Ubuntu in UEFI mode. What is important is below:
1.if the other systems (Windows Vista/7/8, GNU/Linux...) of your computer are installed in UEFI mode, then you must install Ubuntu in UEFI mode too.
2. if the other systems (Windows, GNU/Linux...) of your computer are installed in Legacy (not-UEFI) mode, then you must install Ubuntu in Legacy mode too. Eg if your computer is old (<2010), is 32bits, or was sold with a pre-installed Windows XP.
3.if Ubuntu is the only operating system on your computer, then it does not matter whether you install Ubuntu in UEFI mode or not.
AJenbo skrev:Har du prøvet at sætte den i Legacy mode og lave en ny installation.