Bug #1 solved for Ubuntu

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Indlæg: 5095
Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
IRC nickname: lars_t_h
Geografisk sted: Fyn Bug #1 solved for Ubuntu

Indlæg af lath »

På kan ud for Bug #1 "Microsoft has a majority market share"
læse at Mark Shuttleworth (milliardæren der ejer Canonical der laver Ubuntu styresystemet) har markeret bug'en som løst.

Afffects = Ubuntu
Status = Fix Released
Importance = Critical
Assigned to = Mark Shuttleworth

Marks's closure comment (Marks kommentar til nedlukningen af bug'en) kan læses her:

Jeg bringer den herunder
Personal computing today is a broader proposition than it was in 2004: phones, tablets, wearables and other devices are all part of the mix for our digital lives. From a competitive perspective, that broader market has healthy competition, with IOS and Android representing a meaningful share (see

Android may not be my or your first choice of Linux, but it is without doubt an open source platform that offers both practical and economic benefits to users and industry. So we have both competition, and good representation for open source, in personal computing.

Even though we have only played a small part in that shift, I think it's important for us to recognize that the shift has taken place. So from Ubuntu's perspective, this bug is now closed.

There is a social element to this bug report as well, of course. It served for many as a sort of declaration of intent. But it's better for us to focus our intent on excellence in our own right, rather than our impact on someone else's product. In the (many) years since this bug was filed, we've figured out how to be amazing on the cloud, and I hope soon also how to be amazing for developers on their desktops, and perhaps even for everyday users across that full range of devices. I would rather we find a rallying call that celebrates those insights, and leadership.

It's worth noting that today, if you're into cloud computing, the Microsoft IAAS team are both technically excellent and very focused on having ALL OS's including Linux guests like Ubuntu run extremely well on Azure, making them a pleasure to work with. Perhaps the market shift has played a role in that. Circumstances have changed, institutions have adapted, so should we.

Along those lines, it's good to reflect on how much has changed since 2004, and how fast it's changed. For Ubuntu, our goal remains to deliver fantastic experiences: for developers, for people building out production infrastructure, and for end-users on a range of devices. We are doing all of that in an environment that changes completely every decade. So we have to be willing to make big changes ourselves - in our processes, our practices, our tools, and our relationships. Change this bug status is but a tiny example.

Kort sagt så er imperiet Microsoft ved at blive sejlet agterud.

I den forbindelse kan jeg fortælle at folk åbenbart efterhånden begynder at kende til Ubuntu.
På mit sidste kursus fik jeg lejlighed til at få pushet en Ubuntu 12.04 LTS CD-ROM til en der ikke ville købe en ny PC bare for at kunne.
browse, se emails, og skrive breve i et kontorprogram

Med pushet mener jeg:
Personen bad selv om at få et installationsmedie - også mere end 1 gang.

Er der andre der har samme oplevelser.


Edit 1:
Launchpad link til Bug #1 indsat i indlægget
Senest rettet af lath 2. jun 2013, 16:44, rettet i alt 1 gang.
Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
Martin Jørgensen
Indlæg: 406
Tilmeldt: 24. dec 2010, 15:58
IRC nickname: Martinjo84

Re: Bug #1 solved for Ubuntu

Indlæg af Martin Jørgensen »

Jeg havde en kunde som ringet ind forleden for hjælp til hendes printer. Og jeg forstod ikke helt hvorfor den blev stillet om til mig, men det var fordi kunden kørte Ubuntu på hendes maskine :)

Så var det godt vi havde solgt en Brother printer som er godt supported i Ubuntu.
hun bad oven i købet også om tilbud på en ny maskine med Ubuntu :)
Indlæg: 20878
Tilmeldt: 15. nov 2009, 15:04
IRC nickname: AJenbo
Geografisk sted: Vanløse, København

Re: Bug #1 solved for Ubuntu

Indlæg af AJenbo »

Martinjo84 skrev:Jeg havde en kunde som ringet ind forleden for hjælp til hendes printer. Og jeg forstod ikke helt hvorfor den blev stillet om til mig, men det var fordi kunden kørte Ubuntu på hendes maskine :)

Så var det godt vi havde solgt en Brother printer som er godt supported i Ubuntu.
hun bad oven i købet også om tilbud på en ny maskine med Ubuntu :)

Næsten det samme skete for mig i sidste uge.