Her postes alt, som ikke direkte har noget med Ubuntu at gøre.
Indlæg: 5095
Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
IRC nickname: lars_t_h
Geografisk sted: Fyn

Indlæg af lath »

Nogen der før har prøvet af?

Jeg har lige set den i en email fra full circle magazine (FCM TV?) skriver om sig selv:
Redux is a new kind of TV—hundreds of channels of entertaining, hand-picked video, all from a passionate community of curators.

Watch on your TV with a supported device or lean back and watch on your PC or laptop.

og FCM TV? emailen skriver det her:
Hi folks!

I hope you're all having a good holiday season wherever you are.

OK, so, as you may know I got a Sony Google TV box recently and I've been messing around with Redux ( if you've never heard of it it's a place where you can start/view a streaming channel made up of links to videos.

And this is where you folks come in...

I've started a Full Circle Magazine channel on Redux at: So far there are only a couple of videos on there, but if you folks could send me some links to Linux videos (wherever they may be) then that'd be great.

Please, don't bombard me with all your links at once! Send me a couple then maybe a day/two later send another couple. That way the channel c an have regularly updated content. If you'd like to help edit the channel then drop me an email (

Here's hoping we can get a nice Linux TV channel on the go!

Happy Holidays!

Smart at man kan lave en stream ud fra nogle videoer.

Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
Indlæg: 2667
Tilmeldt: 21. nov 2006, 10:06
Geografisk sted: Fredericia


Indlæg af thj01 »

tak for info :) - den skal lige kigges igennem
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