Nu får imidlertid ved login forsøg beskeden "P2P connect failed"
Jeg har søgt rundt og fundet flere der anbefaler:
Kode: Vælg alt
rm ~/.Skype
Inden jeg nåede til at køre koden fandt jeg imidlertid også denne kommentar:
Why not just format the drive?
Wow, what a dumb ass suggestion. Sure doing this will fix it but you will loose all of your chat histories and everything else when all you need to do is delete the shared.xml file that lies within the .skype direction. But hey, maybe that's too complicated, better off to just buy a new computer and re-install skype.
hvilket ledte mig til at finde forslaget herunder - mine begrænsede kundskaber tillader mig desværre ikke at forstå fremgangsmåden i den foreslåede løsning.
-> er det korrekt forstået, at løsningsforslaget nedenfor vil være bedst?
-> og kan I hjælpe med en trin-for-trin til hvordan udfører jeg forslaget (copy it into, run chmod +x and then ./
Try removing shared.xml from ~/.Skype/ and restarting skype.
Here's a kludge of a script that does it for you. Just copy it into, run chmod +x and then ./
if [ -e ~/.Skype/shared.xml ]
echo "Stopping Skype"
killall -HUP skype
echo "Moving shared.xml"
mv ~/.Skype/shared.xml ~/.Skype/shared.xml.bk
echo "Restarting Skype"
skype &
echo "Can't find shared.xml - this solution will not work"
If this happens again, rinse and repeat.