------------------------- ERROR 1 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot import main'
Error Message: cannot import name main
(process:8278): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
OpenShot (version 1.4.0)
------------------------- ERROR 2 ------------------------------
Failed to import 'from openshot.openshot import main'
Error Message: unsupported locale setting
OpenShot has failed to import some of the Python files or libraries
required for our application to run. Here are some trouble shooting
Tip 1) Check if MLT can be successfully imported in Python. Run the
following commands, and see if any errors are displayed. If you get
an error, you need to investigate the correct way to install MLT.
NOTE: Do not type the $ or >> characters in the examples below.
$ python
>> import mlt
>> mlt.Factory().init()
Tip 2) If MLT is working from the first example, then the next tip is
to look at the above error messages very closely, and google for more
help. It's likely the problem is already reported, and maybe there is
a simple work-around. Also, you can search for bugs or report a new
bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/openshot. Good luck!
Jeg har forsøgt at køre de 3 ovenstående kommandoer men det blev jeg ikke klogere af, ikke andet end at "import mlt" krævede at jeg installerede pakkerne imagemagick og graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat, hvilket jeg så gjorde, og nu har de 3 kommandoer blot lavet et dokument i min home mappe der hedder "mlt", og som åbner i Document Viewer.
Jeg er rimeligt lost lige nu.