Ubuntu dræber superfish

Spørgsmål, som ikke kan besvares i andre hardware-fora, bør stilles her.
Finn Bjerke
Indlæg: 1962
Tilmeldt: 7. sep 2009, 23:33
IRC nickname: finnbjerke
Geografisk sted: Moss Norge

Ubuntu dræber superfish

Indlæg af Finn Bjerke »

Denne spændende artikel om superfish fra Lenovo computere anbefaler Ubuntu eller en anden Linux variant som en måde at slippe af med superfish ("Crapware" eller "spyware") på. :lol:


Owners of Lenovo computers are, therefore, not the only folks at risk of man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. So exchanging your Lenovo computer for another Windows brand won’t do you much good.

A real solution, a final solution, is one that does not involve the parties that caused the problem in the first place. And that solution is this: Find a good Linux distribution and install it over Windows. End of story. No more adware or other factory-delivered malicious software.

Mere info her:
http://www.networkworld.com/article/2887394/lenovo-hit-with-lawsuit-over-superfish-snafu.html :D
Kardemommeloven er en god ting.
Indlæg: 885
Tilmeldt: 24. jul 2012, 21:33
IRC nickname: Blueeyez

Re: Ubuntu dræber superfish

Indlæg af Blueeyez »

Du slipper vidst os for Windows på den måde :-D
* Linux Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit - I3, 4 GB DDR3 1600Mhz, intel 7260AC dual band wifi, Samsung EVO 850 250 GB SSD. - Abook Z510
* Asustor nas: AS-202T, AS-202TE & AS-604T