AJenbo skrev:@Lath: Hvad mener du med Unity Next Enterprise tablet? Det er ikke noget jeg har hørt konkrete planer om.
Kig på http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/tablet/partner
Scroll ned til tabellen med "Ubuntu tablet hardware requirements"
Læg mærke til at det kun er Enterprise udgaven der har "Full desktop convergence".
Scoller du lidt mere ned kan du i "Converged" læse dette om Ubuntu konvergens:
Just add a keyboard and mouse and your high-end tablet becomes a PC that’s ready for business. Ubuntu is popular
in the enterprise for its robust security, great usability and standard management. The addition of a tablet experience provides complete mobility as well as productivity. Since it
is all pure Ubuntu, the tablet can do everything a desktop computer can, including act as a thin client with access to remote Windows apps and desktops. The best of all worlds,
in one device.