Har du fundet en interessant Snap pakke?
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Interessante snap pakker - tilføj din her
- Indlæg: 5095
- Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
- IRC nickname: lars_t_h
- Geografisk sted: Fyn
Interessante snap pakker - tilføj din her
Senest rettet af lath 26. dec 2017, 01:02, rettet i alt 4 gange.
Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
- Indlæg: 5095
- Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
- IRC nickname: lars_t_h
- Geografisk sted: Fyn
Spotify snap pakke
Spotify er nu tilgængelig som en snap pakke:
Så vidt jeg ved så opdateres snap pakker ikke automagisk, så det må man gøre selv med:
Hvis man kun vil opdatere for eksempel spotify pakken, så gøres det med:
Jeg bruger ikke sudo, hvis jeg ikke laver ændringer - altså bare henter informationer.
Du bør heller ikke bruge sudo til at hente informationer, fordi at det er dårlig stil at give Tjernobyl rettigheder (=alle superbruger rettigheder) til noget som ikke har brug for de rettigheder.
- En ud af mange artikler om Spotify i en snap pakke:
https://thenextweb.com/tech/2017/12/20/spotify-gives-linux-users-early-christmas-present-new-desktop-client/ - Spotify pakke på snapcraft.io (snap pakke arkivet.
https://snapcraft.io/spotify/ - Snap link Jeg har ikke nogen idé om hvad det bruges til ud over at det måske kan bruges i en browser på samme måde som et apt link. Et apt link kunne være: apt://hexchat
snap://spotifyKode: Vælg alt
- Flere informationer om spotify snap pakken:
Kode: Vælg alt
snap info spotify
... som svarer med ...Kode: Vælg alt
name: spotify
summary: Music for everyone
publisher: spotify
contact: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/bd-p/desktop_linux
description: |
Love music? Play your favorite songs and albums free on Linux with Spotify.
Stream the tracks you love instantly, browse the charts or fire up readymade
playlists in every genre and mood. Radio plays you great song after great
song, based on your music taste. Discover new music too, with awesome
playlists built just for you.
Stream Spotify free, with occasional ads, or go Premium.
• Play any song, artist, album or playlist instantly
• Browse hundreds of readymade playlists in every genre and mood
• Stay on top of the Charts
• Stream Radio
• Enjoy podcasts, audiobooks and videos
• Discover more music with personalized playlists
• Download tunes and play offline
• Listen ad-free
• Get even better sound quality
• Try it free for 30 days, no strings attached
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/spotify
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/spotify
Note: Spotify for Linux is a labor of love from our engineers that wanted to
listen to Spotify on their Linux development machines. They work on it in
their spare time and it is currently not a platform that we actively support.
The experience may differ from our other Spotify Desktop clients, such as
Windows and Mac.
snap-id: pOBIoZ2LrCB3rDohMxoYGnbN14EHOgD7
stable: (5) 167MB -
candidate: ↑
beta: ↑
edge: (5) 167MB - - Den installeres med:
Kode: Vælg alt
sudo snap install spotify
Så vidt jeg ved så opdateres snap pakker ikke automagisk, så det må man gøre selv med:
Kode: Vælg alt
sudo snap refresh
Hvis man kun vil opdatere for eksempel spotify pakken, så gøres det med:
Kode: Vælg alt
sudo snap refresh spotify
Jeg bruger ikke sudo, hvis jeg ikke laver ændringer - altså bare henter informationer.
Du bør heller ikke bruge sudo til at hente informationer, fordi at det er dårlig stil at give Tjernobyl rettigheder (=alle superbruger rettigheder) til noget som ikke har brug for de rettigheder.
Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
- Indlæg: 5095
- Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
- IRC nickname: lars_t_h
- Geografisk sted: Fyn
Snap pakke : WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony
WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony Blade of Agony is a story-driven FPS. The project is inspired by WWII shooters from the 90’s and early 2000’s, like Wolfenstein 3D, Medal of Honor, and Call of Duty, but with faster-paced gameplay in the spirit of Doom!

Information om WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony :
Kode: Vælg alt
snap info boa
... som svarer med ...
Kode: Vælg alt
name: boa
summary: 'WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony'
publisher: njmcphail
description: |
Blade of Agony is a story-driven FPS. The project is inspired by WWII shooters
from the 90's and early 2000's, like Wolfenstein 3D, Medal of Honor, and Call
of Duty, but with faster-paced gameplay in the spirit of Doom!
It's 1942, and the war approaches its peak. The U.S. has joined the Allied
forces, and the Soviets are pushing back the front in the east. The tides of
war are turning, and Hitler's victory seems more and more beyond his grasp.
But the Nazis, refusing to capitulate, have grown obsessed with human
experiments and occult artifacts, in which they see a potential escape from
their final Doom. The Allied leaders reject this possibility as nonsense;
nonetheless, some still fear what the Führer might be up to. The situation is
nebulous, however, and little is certain.
You are Cpt. William "B.J." Blazkowicz, an Allied spy, a fearless risk-taker,
and the greatest soldier to ever take up arms in World War II. Your role has
changed, though; you've retired from active duty, and now you spearhead
operations as a systems analyst. You thought it would be the right
choice--leading and motivating instead of doing the dirty work--but lately
you've grown restless. At least until a few days ago, when you received an
encrypted message from your old friend and comrade Cpt. Douglas Blake, calling
you back to duty...
Blade of Agony is much more than just a pastiche of the classic shooters that
inspired it; the project will offer a unique experience.
- 17 playable and unique levels in Chapter 1 & 2 (over 24 in the full game)
- Orchestra-quality game music
- Voice acting and ambient soundscapes
- A combination of low-poly models and hi-resolution sprite assets to create
the perfect retro feeling
- Devastating armaments from the battlefields of WWII
- Interactive NPCs that support the twisted plot's progress and help you
understand the game
- Beautiful special effects (weather, elements, explosions, etc.)
- Much, much more!
This package bundles together the game with the gzdoom engine. The game
requires a powerful computer to run smoothly. If you experience low frame
rates or stuttering, please turn down the resolution, effects and filtering
options in the menu.
From: http://boa.realm667.com/index.php/about
snap-id: eDsKaYaf4gx5I1bfSy6SdTTfKc1ppDx7
stable: 0.3 (27) 525MB -
candidate: ↑
beta: ↑
edge: 0.3-2017122100 (38) 527MB -
Snap link:
Install WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony from the Software Center: snap://boa - aha! så et snap link aktiverer Software Center
Kode: Vælg alt
sudo snap install boa
Min mening om snap pakke download størrelser
~1/2 GB er et pænt stort download! Det kunne være praktisk om snap pakker på en eller anden måde kunne dele shared libraries (som bor i *.so filer) - så downloads blev en hel del mindre
Den her artikel: Announcing snapcraft 2.35 nævner om noget der hedder plugins
Senest rettet af lath 26. dec 2017, 02:10, rettet i alt 2 gange.
Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
- Indlæg: 5095
- Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
- IRC nickname: lars_t_h
- Geografisk sted: Fyn
Snap pakke: M.A.R.S. – a ridiculous shooter
M.A.R.S. – a ridiculous shooter is a 2D space shooter with awesome visual effects and attractive physics.
Players can battle each other or computer controlled enemies in exciting game modes.
The Story: In year 3547, civilizations all over the galaxy have settled their own planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the contemplative habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging.
As a famous fighter on your way to never ending honour and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the oncoming doom of your jealous neighbours!
hmm, en slags DIY Star wars?

information om M.A.R.S. – a ridiculous shooter:
Kode: Vælg alt
snap info marsshooter
... som svarer med ...
Kode: Vælg alt
name: marsshooter
summary: A 2D space shooter with awesome visual effects and attractive physics.
publisher: diddledan
description: |
M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter is a 2D space shooter with awesome visual
effects and attractive physics. Players can battle each other or computer
controlled enemies in exciting game modes.
The Story:
In year 3547, civilizations all over the galaxy have settled their own
planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the
contemplative habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your
way to never ending honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet
from the oncoming doom of your jealous neighbours!
snap-id: 5YRF3ZPZpPhlacYTqMVDPWa2rjgUUcGw
stable: 0+git.a6f48a2 (4) 96MB -
candidate: 0+git.a6f48a2 (4) 96MB -
beta: 0+git.a6f48a2 (4) 96MB -
edge: 0+git.a6f48a2 (4) 96MB -
Snap link: snap://marsshooter
via terminal:
Kode: Vælg alt
sudo snap install marsshooter
Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
- Indlæg: 5095
- Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
- IRC nickname: lars_t_h
- Geografisk sted: Fyn
snap pakke: DJV
DJV Imaging provides open source movie playback software for use in film, VFX and computer animation.
Key features include: real-time playback of image sequences and movies, support for industry standard file formats including Cineon, DPX, OpenEXR, and QuickTime, command line utilities for batch processing, cross-platform support for Linux, OS X, and Windows.
Information om DJV:
Kode: Vælg alt
snap info djv
... som svarer med ...
Kode: Vælg alt
name: djv
summary: Movie playback software for use in film, VFX, and computer animation.
publisher: mlw
description: |
DJV Imaging provides open source movie playback software for use in film, VFX
computer animation. Key features include -
* Real-time playback of image sequences and movies
* Support for industry standard file formats including Cineon, DPX, OpenEXR,
and QuickTime
* Command line utilities for batch processing
* Cross platform support for Linux, Apple OS X, and Microsoft Windows.
snap-id: F60XorLWG6dQomMPDvPXOg4pkdz0L1iJ
stable: 1.1 (31) 93MB -
candidate: 1.1 (31) 93MB -
beta: 1.1 (31) 93MB -
edge: 1.1 (31) 93MB -
snap link: snap://djv
via Terminal:
Kode: Vælg alt
sudo snap install djv
Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags
- Indlæg: 5095
- Tilmeldt: 27. apr 2008, 02:16
- IRC nickname: lars_t_h
- Geografisk sted: Fyn
Snap pakke: Multipass (virtuel maskine manager)
Jeg skriver ikke det hele her, idet at pakken for tiden - 14. december 2017 - er beta software:
Multipass is a service that manages virtual machine instances running Ubuntu. It uses images from cloud-images57 and QEMU/KVM as the backend to provide easy access to a whole range of Ubuntu instances. The client command line is kept similar to LXD’s to keep your muscle memory happy.
Jeg er Software ingeniør (Diplomingeniør) i Informationsteknologi og indlejede systemer, hvor indlejrede systemer er computer (microcontroller) + elektronik i for eksempel et TV, en router, en vaskemaskine og den slags