Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow

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Indlæg: 10725
Tilmeldt: 26. apr 2008, 19:27
IRC nickname: Christian_Arvai
Geografisk sted: Holeby - Lolland

Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Swallow

Indlæg af Christian.Arvai »

By Jonathan Corum
Nov. 17, 2003
After spending some time last month trying to develop alternate graphic presentations for kinematic ratios in winged flight, I decided to try to answer one of the timeless questions of science: just what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Jeg har lige et spørgsmål:

Hvad vil de to forskellige fugles vingefang betyde for gennemsnitsfarten, hvis at de også skal bære vægten af en kokosnød?
Med venlig hilsen Christian

"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done." -- Alan Turing